Anxiety Disorders

Do you deal with anxiety often? Anxiety is the feelings of excessive fearfulness, dread, or uneasiness. When dealing with this disorder people can feel restless, tense, or deal with a rapid heartbeat. although it can be very overwhelming, the fear isn’t temporary. The symptoms can interfere with daily activities, relationships, and even school work . This disorder is among the most common mental illnesses, affecting roughly 40 millions Americans each year. There are multiple types of Anxiety including: generalized anxiety, panic disorder, or phobias

People with anxiety sometimes have trouble explaining what it feels like because sometimes you just don’t know. For example, I wake up some mornings and I can’t really describe how I feel. I lay in bed and my chest may feel really heavy or uncomfortable. Sometimes, I feel very anxious because of stressful situations from past events or just thinking about the future. However, there are many ways to help with these kinds of situations. Doing things that help calm your mind and body, can definitely help with anxiety.

overall, anxiety doesn’t really have a cause but can be suggested based on biological factors. These factors include, genetics, brain biology and chemistry, or even stress. This isn’t something to be afraid of because most people can be very denying. Although this feeling can be very scary and isolating, it can help you show your body what you need.

“It’s on the Tip of My Tongue” phenomenon

There have been many instances where I’ve been talking to people and I couldn’t quite get the word out. This phenomenon is considered the tip of the tongue state or “TOT”. The Tip of the Tongue is a state in which an individual cannot quite remember a familiar word, but recall words of similar form and meaning. This is a form of Retrieval failure. It’s concluded that people have the knowledge of some of the letters, number of syllables, and location of stress.  It’s like when the answer to a question is on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t quite remember it. 

This phenomenon happens when there is a temporary disruption in the retrieval process. Our memories are organized in a network of associations, and sometimes the connection to the desired information becomes weakened or blocked, leading to retrieval failure. One common explanation for retrieval failure is the interference theory. This theory suggests that forgetting occurs when new information interferes with the retrieval of old information. For example, if I am  trying to remember someone’s name, but other similar names keep coming to mind, it can hinder my ability to recall the correct name.This is one of the reasons why I can’t remember the specific word when talking to someone. I believe it’s very common and happens all the time because I say “ I can’t remember the word” or “it’s on the tip of my tongue”. Whenever this happens, I begin to throw out definitions or synonyms to the word. 

Retrieval failure, or the tip of the tongue phenomenon, is a common experience where we temporarily struggle to recall information that we know we have stored in our memory. It can be caused by interference from new information and the absence of effective retrieval cues.  Understanding the mechanisms behind retrieval failure can help us develop strategies. It’s something that every one goes through, sometimes every once in a while, or daily.