Observational Learning and Children

The concept of observational learning is what makes higher-level animals different from others in the animal kingdom. Observational learning is the ability to learn a concept without direct experience. The observer will simply learn through seeing the task performed.  There are certain neurons within the brain that scientists have discovered while studying observational learning. These neurons were deemed mirror neurons. For someone to engage in observational learning, they need to include four elements into their learning process. First, they must be paying attention and notice the task being performed. Next, they must properly encode the memory of how the procedure or element is performed.  After that, they must be able to properly imitate, or be able to do the task properly. Finally, and often the most important concept, the learner must be motivated, or have the desire to learn.

As discussed in class, children are great observational learners. One experiment in particular, Bandura’s experiment, showcases this well.  In the experiment, an adult proceeded to hit a BoBo doll violently with a hammer and mallet. Next a child would enter the room, and perform the same exact task that the adult has previously displayed. This rectifies that children are great observational learners. This is why often when working with children you must watch how you act, what you say, and how you interact with co-workers.

I work at a summer camp full-time during the summer with about five other counselors. Most of us know how to act properly in front of the kids, but one person in particular displays questionable behavior in front of the children. He often uses foul language and talks about adult topics in front of the campers. But worst of all, he displays rough behavior while playing in the pool.  Rough housing in the water is a very dangerous act to engage in.  I noticed that when he displays this behavior, the campers soon after catch on, and start pushing, shoving and tugging at others while in the water.  Not only does this put the kids and others in dangers, but it also makes reprimanded the children a lot more difficult. Since they saw someone in authority perform this act, they think that it is acceptable, and often argue this when getting scolded by another counselor.

Overall, observational learning is often taken for granted by humans because it comes so naturally to us. It also puts us higher above other animals in the animal kingdom in regards to our learning abilities. Observational learning helps us learn new ideas quickly but this is also a negative when it comes to children picking up bad behaviors when exhibited by adults.

One thought on “Observational Learning and Children

  1. Elise Barbara Kaslander

    I completely agree that observational learning is often taken from granted because it does come so naturally. Honestly, I never really thought that much into observational learning until we discussed it during class and I read this post. Like the story you explained, children really do learn a lot from observational learning. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s not so good. My family is a part of a Big Brother program where we were paired with our younger “brother”, Isiah. He is now 11 years old and has really become part of my family. Isiah comes from a poor family and lives in a really dangerous neighborhood. He’s not even allowed to go play outside. So Isiah watches A LOT of TV. Whenever he comes over all he wants to do is watch TV or play video games. We try to get him out of the habit but it’s hard when that’s all he does at home. However, one thing Isiah does love to do is dance. He’s never taken a single dance class in his life because his mom cannot afford it, however, he is constantly watching music videos and dance shows on TV. Through this, Isiah has seriously become an awesome dancer. He knows all these little moves and it’s all from observational learning. I never really thought about it until now but that’s how he’s really learned how to dance. It’s amazing how much someone can learn from just watching others.

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