About Me

Vacationer4L: A person who gets so much joy from traveling that they want to continue it throughout their entire life                                                                                      [vəˈ.keɪ.ʃᵊn.ə.4.ɛl]

Hi! My name is Isabela Bishop and, as you already read in the headline of this E-portfolio, I am a “vacationer4L”. Growing up, I always had to move from place to place, which resulted in a lot of traveling. The more places I went, the more my love for visiting new countries and having so many adventures grew. Being a “vacationer4L” isn’t something that a person just does, there are a lot of contributing factors that go into directly helping make the “traveling experience” desirable. Although my evidence backing up my desire to be a “vacationer4L” isn’t as centered around physical objects, my artifacts are a mix of the physical and philosophical. Traveling has brought me so much joy throughout my life, but not just for the sole purpose of visiting places. The reason that I love being a “vacationer4L” is 100% due to the reasons listed throughout my E-Portfolio. Life experiences are subjective, so when browsing my portfolio, I hope that my experiences come to light and could possibly even inspire you to take on the traveling lifestyle.

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