Outline for Ted Talk

intro: Throughout history, rape culture has been present and has ruled over victims of sexual assault and harassment. However in recent times there has been an evident shift with the help of a revolutionary movement, the Me Too movement. Topic 1: History of rape culture Medusa – greek mythology Colonial ages College campuses – turner […]

Want a history lesson in Boston?

As many know Boston and Massachusetts as a whole is a very historical place. Being one of the 13 colonies this area is home to many historical sites with even more amazing stories. Growing up in Boston I had multiple field trips all around Massachusetts to these places, here are 3 in particular that I […]

My process of my paper

With my paradigm shift paper i have learned so much on this topic and have developed deeper into becoming an experienced writer. For starters I have gotten feedback from my peers. The most helpful feedback would be my main focus for this paper. My peer review partner mentioned something that I actually feared. I worried […]