Want a history lesson in Boston?

As many know Boston and Massachusetts as a whole is a very historical place. Being one of the 13 colonies this area is home to many historical sites with even more amazing stories. Growing up in Boston I had multiple field trips all around Massachusetts to these places, here are 3 in particular that I loved and think you will too.

The first is Plymouth Plantation. I remember being in third grade and having out class drive out to Plymouth for the day. Here we saw people dressed up as if it was colonial age and they gave us a tour while in character.  By far the most interesting part of this trip was the recreated version of the Mayflower. This ship has every detail of the Mayflower and you get a history lesson about this monumental ship. Not to mention, while you learn about the pilgrims you also get to meet the Native Americans that lived on these lands. They teach all about the Wampanoags. Overall this is an entertaining location with rich history and great for kids to get a hands on learning experience.

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The second place to visit if you want to get a sense of Boston’s history is Henry David Thoreau cabin. For those of you who don’t know who this is, he is a transcendentalist author who lived in Concord Massachusetts but decided to distance himself from society and live in the woods for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days. This site is actually two historical sites in one. He lived on Walden Pond a very symbolic place for the village people and Native Americans. I visited Walden Pond twice when I was younger due to its historical significance. If one is interested in this you should definitely visit and see Thoreau’s cabin and how he lived the minimalistic life that was a muse for this famous writings.

Image result for henry david thoreau cabin

Lastly, Bunker Hill is a great place to soak up American history. This place was home to the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. This monument is a very popular attraction due to the significance of this battle. It was a bloody and violent battle between the British and Patriots. Here it is said that people have seen spirits of soldiers walking on the bridge. Overall this moment in history was very important for the Revolutionary war and is a fantastic location to visit.

Image result for bunker hill MA

Boston has such a rich history with historical places everywhere. These are just three that I enjoyed visiting as a kid. There are plenty more one could see especially if you consider yourself a history buff. However, these places will not disappoint.

One thought on “Want a history lesson in Boston?

  1. 1. The passion blog responds to the rhetorical opportunity of giving a list of locations for historically minded visitors in Boston.
    2. The blog responds to the kairotic moment by tying into topics that are commonly taught in school. For example, students in school currently learn about the Mayflower, Thoreau’s stories, and the Battle of Bunker Hill, and these are the actual locations where the related event took place in history. Essentially, it takes advantage of the kairotic moment that the historical sites in Boston are currently taught about in schools.
    3. The post effectively uses short, concise paragraphs to convey clear ideas, as well as pictures of each historical site so that the reader can get an idea of what it looks like.

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