RCL post#4 Persuasive Essay

Hannah and I have decided to focus on animal rights for our persuasive essay. To be more specific animal captivity such as Sea world and other parks such as zoos. The topic of animal captivity has been controversial for years. Many organizations such as PETA or The Humane Society have been fighting to put an end to animal captivity. 


Should animal captivity be legal, considering the physical and emotional health of the animals and people participating?


We have decided to write this persuasive essay in order to influence the public on the topic of animal captivity; we will go into the dangers that are present along with the emotional impact it has on animals and we will present information that proves how exotic and marine animals should be living.


Hannah and I brainstormed many topics to discuss for this particular essay. However we found a strong similarity, with the topic of animal cruelty. From there we talked about many topics within animal cruelty such as, animal testing, animal abuse in the home and other like animal farming. In the end we decided the topic we are most passionate about was animal captivity. We both have alove for land and sea animals and don’t believe keeping them in cages is humane nor fair. Many people believe that zoos and other parks such as Sea world are fun to go to and very rarely think about the impact on the animals. Our goal is to prove how these places should not be a fun place to take the family. 

Main Research Questions:

  1. Does captivity lead to more agitation and violence among animals?
  2. What are the threats towards workers and participants?
  3. Are these animals treated correctly and respectfully?
  4. How frequent are injuries to these animals?
  5. Are these facilities up to date?
  6. Are these facilities large enough for these marine animals to be living in?

Some pieces of evidence that we will be using in our essay are:

  1. The difference in lifespan 
  2. Present or hidden injuries to the animals and people
  3. The breeding of animals within captivity


Captivity Questions – WDC Kidzone, www.wdcs.org/wdcskids/en/story_details.php?select=606.

“Dangerous Animal Incidents.” PETA, 1 Nov. 2010, www.peta.org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/dangerous-animal-incidents/.

Schelling, Ameena. “SeaWorld Orcas Have ‘Alarming’ Number Of Injuries, Vet Reveals.” The Dodo, The Dodo, 11 Aug. 2015, www.thedodo.com/seaworld-orcas-injuries-vet-1291227186.html.

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