What’s trending on your Facebook newsfeed?


If you use Facebook as much as I do (takes up about 50% of my day) then you may have noticed the slight modification FB made to its TRENDING topics bar on the right side of the website.

Trending topics used to have the topic and a short blurb about what the story was about. If you take a look you will see that now the trending topics are simply just the topics and how many people on Facebook are talking about it. There is no description of what the topic is about or why its becoming popular.


The changes made prevent human editing because of charges that consisted of anti-conservative political bias that was surfacing the site several months ago. The edited trending topics will have no affect on users or what becomes a top story. Like previously, stories will circulate based on how many likes they receive.

Sources believed that the changes made were because Facebook laid off several members of its Trending topics team. Facebook has made no response to this suggestion. Other reports criticized the networking site as being bias in what topics were being circulated. Facebook denied the allegations.

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