Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Yoga with OLED


The new Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Yoga (think Microsoft Surface Pro) with OLED is hitting the market soon.

OLEDs work through transmitting electricity through certain materials that glow specific colors. This allows OLED screens to be thinner, lighter, and more efficient. This also lets pixels become completely black which allows for greater contrast on the screen.

On the downside, OLED is still very expensive. But that doesn’t mean Lenovo skimped out on the materials used to make the Thinkpad X1 Yoga. The model sports a carbon fiber cover. The design of the Thinkpad is to be a traditional work station and not a computer that is only used for Netflix streaming.

Weight wise, the Thinkpad is surprisingly lighter than the MacBook Air (by a whole 0.2 pounds!). Also what came as a surprise to me when I read the article was that the author said this was his favorite way to watch Netflix in bed because of the massive screen.

The Thinkpad X1 Yoga is the size of a regular laptop, but has the ability to act like a tablet.



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