Artificial Intelligence Talents

Adobe demos new imaging editing features in their Max conference. These new features are generated and powered by technology called Sensei. This article reviews some of the new featured demos that make your image editing skills look amateur.

For example, instead of filling Photoshop holes with patterns and texture, Adobe uses Scene Stitch to search a database of similar pictures to fill that hole. Similar to Scene Stitch, another featured called Cloak essentially does the same thing but for videos, allowing you to edit certain objects out of frame entirely. In addition to Scene Stitch and Cloak, a feature called Project Puppertron analyzes drawings and applies “that same look” to an original photograph. Adobe also demoed Project Scribbler, a feature that adds corresponding color texture to black and white images. And then there’s SonicScape. Unlike any other, this feature generates appropriate sound to 360-degree videos as you move around. the article describes it as, “literally surround sound, but reactive to your head movements.”

It is quite obvious that artificial intelligence is expanding at what seems like a drastic rate, but Adobe’s Sensei platform is every Photoshopers’ dream. Sensei is going to differentiate between amateur’s and professionals. However, with all these features, is it too much? Do you have trouble identifying what is real and what is fake?


3 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence Talents

  1. Reading this stressed me out for multiple reasons. I feel like with these kind of advancements, people in certain fields will lose jobs. For example, people who graduated with a degree in graphic design five years ago are going to be extremely behind in their field. This might also might make it difficult for employers to distinguish between natural talent and artificial talent. I personally do not like this kind of technology because it forces people with certain passions to learn this type of stuff regardless of whether they like it or not if they want to get a job. I also think these kind of advancements are dangerous for security purposes. For example, could someone using Cloak easily tamper with security footage? Obviously, there are benefits to this type of technology. Film and graphics are going to be insanely cool on different types of projects. It’s just a matter of weighing the pros and cons. Is this type of technology worth the issues that come with it? Personally, I don’t think so. What does everyone else think? Also, I saw that they’re somehow using this for banking purposes. Will this make it easier for hackers to access money?

  2. I think what is scary is not only that we have the technology to do this, but that its made so available to us. Now, not only do the FBI and the media have access to these kinds of programs but the every day person does as well. This opens so many doors to a whole new level of fake. We will never now now if a picture posted online by your average person is real or not. We have apps and computer programs and systems that can take photos and turn them into something their not. This is a problem for both our media and our trust in the media, and in our day to day interactions with friends and family. I think its really sad that I can’t go on Instagram and see a picture of my friend that is totally authentic and unedited. Now dealing with media, how do we know that the picture we see on the front of the magazine of our president or of a prevalent celebrity or business person that influences your life is actually real? We can make it look like Trump somewhere he’s not or doing something he’s really not doing. This opens up so so many doors to so many issues that cannot be solved the more available it becomes.

  3. When I read the second paragraph I was astonished by the way technology as advanced. I still remember the times where I used to play around with photoshop and the content aware tool blew my mind, after getting to know more about the “scene stich”, cloak, project scribbler I was awe struck. I remember the time I tried learning adobe after effects I couldn’t learn a lot because the software needed lots of extra props like green screen, motion sensors to make a decent video. The fact that the software could fill in gaps of a video on screen still seems unbelievable for me. Artificial intelligence in such softwares will redefine the movie industry and at such times when marvel and other fiction movies need tons of editing these softwares will make things a lot easier for video editors and producers.

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