Do Cellphones and Cancer Correlate?

The results of the largest and longest study on the correlation of cellphones and cancer will be released on Friday. United States researchers from the National Toxicology Program have spent almost 20 years trying to figure out conclusive data from the relationship with cancer and cellphones. In 1999, the FDA requested that the National Toxicology Program run this study, which has cost them $25 million.

The researchers used rodents to try and find out conclusive data. They figured out that only the male rats that were exposed to radiation developed tumors in their hearts and brains while the female rats did not have any tumors. The rats that were exposed to radiation had DNA damage as well, but actually ended up living longer.

It was concluded that cellphone energy did have biological effects for rats, but it was not concluded exactly what that would happen to humans. The researchers used higher levels of radiation for the rats than what humans usually experience on a normal basis. The FDA concluded that there was not enough evidence to declare a correlation between cancer and cellphones yet. More research and time will tell if we can use our favorite devices, safe from cancer.



5 thoughts on “Do Cellphones and Cancer Correlate?

  1. To hear that cellphones may cause cancer is surprisingly shocking. Cellphones have become an integral part of lives in which we depend on them for daily tasks and communication. Due to a recent study of rats being exposed to the radiation from cellphones, the results showed an increase risk in cancer. This in turn raises safety concerns for developing children and to whether or not to limit the exposure.

    I think that people will still be using cellphones unless there is a positive correlation between cancer and cellphones. We depend too much on our phones to make our lives efficient and easier. It has become a part of our life and to limit the usage or state that cellphones are bad for the person’s health will be a controversial issue.

  2. Mobile phone use is as integrated into many of our daily lives as breathing. It is no wonder radiation from such devices are of interest to researchers. Cancer and technology are both quite profitable fields. However, researching a correlation between these is quite difficult and can raise more questions than answers. The studies of cell phone usage and radiation are somewhat unreliable. New phones are released so often with improved technology that reduce emissions. How is it fair to conduct a study of the emission from an outdated phone and generalize it to current technology? By the time a well-done study is conducted and published, the phones the researchers studied is considered quite old in the world of technology. While small animals may be affected by constant radiation exposure, are we as humans, much larger than rats, more tolerant to relative levels of radiation? What other confounding factors are at play in correlations between cancer and phone usage? Until further research is conducted to confirm or deny such findings, I can only imagine we will continue to our phones, unmoved by this recent publication.

  3. I never really heard about the possible relation between cellphones and cancer before, but I could see how it would be a possibility. The experiment with the rats is interesting, but rats and humans are not the same. What is possible for rats, may not always be possible for humans. If there is ever a correlation between the two, I think it would take a lot of phone usage to do any harm on a human. It’s definitely worth keeping an eye on, though.

    This article that I found also mentioned the experiment with the rats. It did say that there was no conclusive evidence to directly link cellphone radiation with the rats’ tumors. More experiments and research will continue to be done, but experts say that cellphones are still safe to use for now. It’s hard to imagine that this could even be a possibility since we use cellphones every day. I wonder what a solution could be to protect us if this ever comes to fruition.

  4. I feel that if researchers are trying to correlate using a cell phone to make phone calls and cancer, that is an outdated type of research hypothesis and experiment. So many of people don’t even use their cell phone to speak on the phone. They use it to text, email, check social media and listen to music.

    This is where the health effects of cell phone usage should be studied. Does looking at your screen effect your eyes and brain? Are phones allowing too much volume to be sent through headphones and causing ear damage? Are the usage of cell phone manipulating the way the brain is formed that will be come hereditary and the new norm for brain shape?

    There are so many questions to ask that research needs to answer.

  5. Cell phones are the most used piece of technology on a daily basis as of today, but are they dangerous for users? Growing up my mom always told me not to sleep with my cell phone under my pillow, but I never understood why. Studies have proven that cell phones emit radio-frequency energy from their antennas. Our bodies are absorbing the energy waves during phone calls.

    Previously, this has never been a problem, but over the years the number of phone calls have increased, which has ultimately increased our intake of the energy waves. According to the National Cancer Institute, “One study showed increased glucose metabolism in the region of the brain close to the antenna compared with tissues on the opposite side of the brain, the other study found reduced glucose metabolism on the side of the brain where the phone was used.” These results are inconsistent meaning that more research has to be done, but these results should be enough to prompt users to put down their phones for a few extra minutes during the day.

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