Could Huawei 5G cause the US to fall behind?

The United States could face a major issue and fall behind Russia and China when moving  forward with internet technology. As we have seen from chapter one, it appears that the US has always been at the front of the internet and helping develop it into what it is today. Huawei, a prominent company in 5G networking is banned from Washington to get involved in the American 5G networks. Washington does not feel as if they can trust Huawei and believes the Chines Government could use this network to spy. The US also has warned other countries about dealing with Huawei in fear of a nation security threat.

The biggest issue that people have with Huawei is how they are so close to the Chinese government. The United States banned Huawei starting in 2012. Due to these restrictions, many people in the US do not know the presence that Huawei has around the world. Huawei is very high up in the telecom supplier market as well as the phone manufacturing market. One of these concerns with Huawei due to their closeness with the Chinese government reminds me of in class how we discussed the Chinese Government filtering the content its constituents can see. If China is not showing the whole truth to its own people, how can we know is Huawei is safe for sure. So, could Huawei just be a scheme to steal peoples information as a form of 5G internet and if you are connected can they scan through everything on your device or maybe can they control what you see when you  use the network?

While China may be the biggest threat to leadership in internet technology, there are other nations (including US allies) that could also surpass the US including Russia, Japan, and South Korea. It would be a shame if the nation that developed ARPANET, the first form of internet, started to fall behind in the internet technology field.


2 thoughts on “Could Huawei 5G cause the US to fall behind?

  1. I think 5G is very important for any country if Huawei fully developed global 5G system, there is going to be a chance that America will fall behind.

    Faster internet can mean a lot more than a faster movie and faster gaming. There are lots of new technology can be invented due to the faster internet speed. For example, Autonomous vehicles, Remote device control. Due to the fast internet, all autonomous vehicles can connect with others to share the information to prevent the collision, and doctors can remotely control robots in the other country to do surgeries for patients. Therefore, we can sure that 5G will not only help the internet company become better, it can also help lots of other industries to grow.

    As we all know, the internet is the most widely used tool for sharing information in our daily life. Therefore, whoever has control of the internet will have the power to spy on all the information around the world, and no one can hide from this. However, I do not think Huawei is going to spy on anyone. According to BGR “Vodafone, meanwhile, the world’s second-largest carrier trusts Huawei. “They are a very innovative company. They are very open. We never found anything less than normal in the Huawei equipment and software,” Vittorio Colao said last week. “It’s not like the Cisco router is very different. It’s made in China.” ”

  2. Things are escalating with the dispute over technology and cybersecurity between the long-reigning super powers, China and the U.S. With the Chinese government’s close relations with the tech giant, Huawei, President Trump as placed an executive order to block sales of tech equipment from the U.S.’s foreign competitors. This was implemented to ensure the safety and security of American telecommunication networks, economy, and personal data. One thing that has pushed the U.S. back from proceeding with a ban on U.S. companies doing business with Huawei, is that rural America is heavily dependent on Huawei’s cheap products.
    Huawei’s chief security officer of the U.S., Andy Purdy has strongly advised the U.S. government should audit foreign tech companies and perform transparency in their own companies. This dispute is now pressuring the U.S. and other nations to rapidly innovate and top China’s technology. Competition for technological advancement has occurred in the past, such as the 20th century Space Race during the Cold War. Although rivalry can be healthy, there is a risk if China wins since their government is heavily orchestrated and censored.


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