Design Thinking in Health Care

While we talk a lot about design thinking when it comes to things like technology or projects on the more creative side, this Forbes article talks about how design thinking can be used in the laboratory setting as well. It shares the story of an employee, Lisa Ruiz, of a biopharmaceutical company, and how she has used the design thinking process to reach medical discoveries. She talks about meeting with different patients and using empathy to be able to find a treatment for their disease(s). She would listen to their stories and experiences and fears in order to better create a solution. I found this interesting because I always thought of design thinking to be something with a lot of imagination, and never would have thought that it could be beneficial in the scientific world. Ruiz says, in regards to treatment research, “It goes beyond a pill or injection; it goes to treating the whole person,” which I think really shows how design thinking can be a beneficial tool for people working on almost any project. By getting to understand what it is really like for people to live with a certain condition, Ruiz could work with a better mindset and have a different kind of motivation and understanding to reach more success.


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