Society and its dependency on technology.

Technology is such an important factor in our day-to-day lives. Almost everyone uses some type of technology each day and this is because it has become easy to use. Everyone can learn how to use an iPhone because of its simplistic designs. It is difficult to imagine a life without technology because of how heavily we rely on it. However, I begin to wonder if society has become too dependent on technology over the last two decades or so.

Technology is always going to have its benefits but even if there are tons of positives, there will be negatives. Technology has impacted the way we research because even though we can find the answer in seconds, there is a lot of misinformation out on the internet (University of the People). It has affected how we go about social interactions, it takes away from interpersonal relationships. Forming relationships and being able to communicate with people is a huge skill that now scares people.

I can speak from personal experience that imagining a life without technology is pretty difficult. I have my laptop, iPad, TV, phone, and other devices at the tip of my fingertips. For as much as you don’t want to admit it, I am very dependent on technology and maybe too dependent. Our generation grew up with technology and we use it for everything. Do you feel you are dependent on technology? Is society too dependent on technology?

Is Society Too Dependent On Technology? 10 Shocking Facts

5 thoughts on “Society and its dependency on technology.

  1. Technology can range from the newest iPhone to the fork that you used at dinner with your family. It’s described as anything that can be used to make human life easier. As time goes on, more technology will be created which means that our lives will increasingly become more technology-dependent. I don’t necessarily believe that being dependent on technology is a bad thing. In fact, I think that it is a good thing!

    Technology allows us to continue to advance and evolve as a species. The growth of technology is exponential which means it’s growing at a much faster rate now than it was 10 years ago. Sure some technologies are not perfect, however, that is why there is innovation. Innovation serves to improve the efficiency of previous technology making it better in the future. I believe that the problems associated with “society’s dependence on technology” are not actually at the fault of technology but the fault of human nature. A person who finds a shortcut to a task will always use the shortcut to fulfill the task. Technology serves to make human tasks easier. Humans are inclined to choose the easier path of doing something rather than make something simple more difficult.

    In my opinion, I don’t believe that there is a problem with how society uses technology. Fundamentally, technology is meant to enhance human life by making tasks easier. The psychological dependence of a human onto technology is at blame for the negative aspects revolving around technology rather than technology itself.

  2. I agree that dependency on technology is becoming a serious problem in society. I use technology every day and I cannot see my life without using it. It helps us get things done quickly, keep documents all in one place, and be able to do work on the go. I spend almost my entire day on some kinda of technology whether it is for school or for personal and it is kinda sad. There is a name for the fear of being without your phone called “nomophobia”. Nomophobia gives a rush of anxiety and fear that you are disconnected from friends, family, work, and the world. When I do not have my phone on me I feel somewhat lost and I am not proud of that.

  3. I agree with and support the view of HCB5130 that society is making continuous progress and science and technology is developing. Information technology and electronic equipment ultimately serve human beings. I believe that the process of evolution is not to rely too much on the advantages of previous generations, but to integrate them and develop them into a way more convenient for the society to use. Not to the point of overdependence.
    I think it’s just because modern electronic devices are so intelligent that they integrate many things or frameworks that were originally physical, so that scattered events and time are spent on the same thing. Take the e-books and the traditional paper books, e-books is lighter than books, a device can cover almost all types of books, lower cost and more convenient way of note-taking and page to find the modern function, but also has social and sharing function, some vendors even issued a special electronic equipment:
    However, traditional books are still not declining and have a huge market. Many evidences show that reading traditional books has a soul, a real “reading” soul. It can be seen that the nature of society will not change with science and technology. Our generation is simply changing too fast to adapt, but that must be the direction of the future. Those born in the new age will certainly take it for granted.

  4. This is honestly a big issue that I think about a lot. Sometimes even sitting at dinner with my friends, they reach for their phones and are glued to them, and are unable to have a conversation it seems without looking down. I am dependent on my technology, I will be the first to admit it, but I know I have to limit myself. Author DJ Wardynski of Brainspire writes, “technology is slowly chipping away at the need to actually interact with other humans in person.” I agree with this statement because it is wild to me how people do not know how to interact anymore and it honestly worries me for future generations as well. Another example I can think of is that some of my classes have a no phone/no technology policy, yet some people can’t even sit through 50 minutes without going on their phones.

    As a whole, I think society is too dependent on technology. Although it is amazing to see many technological advancements, sometimes it is better to take a step back and stick to pen and paper. One of the ways I do this is by keeping a paper planner rather than a digital one. Not only is it easier to manage and more organized, but it allows me to stay off technology for something I deem necessary. We as a society need to recognize that although technology will always be changing and will be a part of our lives it is important that we don’t let it consume us.

  5. I agree that there are post positives and negatives associated with technology, but I think it has more to do with society itself than the actual technological developments. Technology serves as a force to exaggerate human behavior; it amplifies the strengths as well as the defects of society. Often, the negatives resonate and stick in our memories more than the positives. We have to work to reform ourselves and our society in order to truly break free from the grasp that technology has on us, but we can utilize technology in order to make this change. In other words, technology is a tool for post good and bad, but not the cause of either.

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