3D Printed Guns Becoming Unstoppable

3D printed guns are becoming frighteningly common and popular. One needs to find a schematic for a gun, and a 3D gun can be printed without a license, background check or serial number to trace the gun if misused. US District Judge Robert Lasnik in Seattle issued a restraining order that interrupted plans of an activist to release gun designs for free on the internet. After the bill was passed, this activist found a way to release these designs another way. He started selling them to people who wanted to buy it. With Trump’s gun-friendly agendas, this is becoming inevitable. With the improving 3D technology, experts say that gun will be cheap, accessible and untraceable. The reason this is delaying is that, right now, 3D printing is expensive and quality needs to be really good to be able to produce a product like a gun. But over time, cost and quality will become cheaper and better.

“It’s bad enough that in the majority of states you can purchase a traditional firearm without undergoing a background check to ensure you are not prohibited. The availability of 3D-printed guns creates yet another loophole through which prohibited individuals could more easily obtain firearms” says Cassandra Crifasi, from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research. Experts are seriously concerned with how much damage can be done with the 3D printed guns and people who misuse it can easily get away.

What is terrifying is that once 3D printing is cheaper and accessible to almost everyone, it will be next to impossible to stop people from making any product they wish to make. For example, a person who is banned to purchase firearms due to having past criminal records, can easily work their way around.


Source: https://www.vox.com/2018/7/31/17634558/3d-printed-guns-trump-cody-wilson-defcad

Chip Cards vs Magnetic Stripes (swipe)

Chip cards are supposed to be safer as opposed to magnetic stripes because when a chip card is dipped into a reader, it creates a unique transaction code. This ensures the security of the cardholder so that counterfeiters are not able to clone the information into an illegitimate card. Not all merchants have chip readers yet, hence, chip cards are still not as safe as they should be since most cards still have magnetic stripes in them. The article lists a few reasons why chip cards are safer than magnetic stripes-

  1. Difficult to clone: When you dip a card, the chip creates a unique transaction code whereas, the magnetic stripes relay the same information every time you swipe your card, making it easier for fraudulent activity to occur.
  2. Sophisticated encryption: The chip card have inbuilt encryption technology so that the unique transaction code cannot be used again and sends a verification to the issuer.
  3. Chip-and-signature vs chip-and-PIN: Most chip cards are chip and signature cards. The signatures can be forged, whereas PINs are harder to guess.

The chip cards are only safe as long as dipping is available at the merchant’s store.

Source: https://wallethub.com/answers/cc/are-chip-cards-safer-2140669459/

Artificial Intelligence being used in cargo ships

With the growing industry in global trade continuously in demand, revolutionized technology is required to protect, speed up, and accurately deliver goods and resources for businesses. One of the biggest modes of trade is found in sea vessels, transporting a majority of the world’s cargo across the globe. While this method of delivery is not the fastest, it is certainly the cheapest and most reliable. The shipping industry hasn’t seen nearly as much effort in innovation as the car industry; such as efforts from Tesla, Nissan, and Toyota. The reasoning for this is simple; a majority of individuals are less likely to need the service of a vessel and are more likely to use the services of a road vehicle on a daily basis- so demand and expectation in cars is high. Recently however, growing research in the projected benefit of sea-faring technologies has raised some eyebrows and piqued interest. The idea of Autonomous vessels has not been a top priority for most companies in recent years, but now, applications could see some benefit. 

One of the top reasons artificial intelligence would be of great benefit would be the increase in space for cargo. We may initially believe that a crew of workers would barely make a dent in terms of cargo capacity, however, eliminating the area allocated to living, sleeping, eating and commandeering would dramatically improve cargo capacity; greatly improving the value of a single trip- saving thousands. Another brilliant aspect of a crewless ship would be the elimination of piracy threats. The crucial shipping route off the coast of Somalia creates risk for cargo vessels, a high rate of piracy is found in this area which can result in the loss of millions of dollars per vessel, as well as potential hostage situations. If a cargo vessel had A.I. capabilities, then designers wouldn’t have to create space for a crew, essentially making the cargo ship “impossible” to pirate without a captain’s deck or main deck which are necessary for a crew with these intentions. Closing off the exterior of a cargo ship and essentially creating a “floating vault” would eliminate this present risk. Other areas of interest would be practicality of the ocean’s unpredictable behavior. High winds and rough seas could challenge current technology, and is encouraging further research investment.

Source: https://www.postonline.co.uk/technology/4485961/spotlight-autonomous-vehicles-is-your-cargo-safe-on-board-an-autonomous-vessel

Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics has shocked the world with its new and innovative technological achievements which have been seen shared all over social media and broadcast internationally. The company specializes in the creation of artificial intelligence through the form of highly advanced robotics. Many have seen these non-assisted robots run and walk through obstacles, pick up heavy objects, and even perform jaw dropping acrobatic skills. However, one of the companies largest criticisms is found in the application of these innovative technologies through practical uses. These robotics have surprised our society with its abilities, but at the end of the day- the company must create practical jobs and generate income. The struggle with the robotic research and engineering industry has always been pushing the barrier of what a machine is capable of doing, and how we can benefit from these abilities as a potential buyer. We can see these remarkably designed creations open doors, run, lift objects, scan terrain, and even get back up after a nasty fall. However, what’s the point in creating a machine which has the same application of a human being? Where is the benefit as an investor or buyer?

Luckily, Boston Dynamics has been breaking this stigma. Recent reports have seen some of these machines being used in practical situations, earning the research respect and validity. Massachusetts State Police (MSP) has been quietly testing ways to use the four-legged Boston Dynamics robot known as “Spot”. Many people would assume that law enforcement have been aiming to equip this tiny robot with weapons, however Massachusett state police have other ideas. Since last April, MSP have used the Boston Dynamics robot in two active situations, with success. Both instances involve the infiltration of a suspect’s residence, and a recon role in a potential active shooter situation. The brilliance of technology in this profession is found in the morals of law enforcement; while it’s important to remove threats from our communities, it’s equally important to protect the men and women who put their lives on the line doing so. Allocating technology in law enforcement eliminates threats and informs officers to make accurate decisions. While the loss of thousands of dollars of equipment is possible and could be detrimental, the loss of human life is irreplaceable. Similar uses of this tech has been seen overseas with the military and UN crisis situations, further giving Boston Dynamics the credibility it deserves.

Source:   https://gizmodo.com/u-s-police-already-using-spot-robot-from-boston-dynami-1840029868


Amazon Prime Air Drone Delivery

Amazon has uncovered the most recent adaptation of its Prime Air delivery service, a half and half air ship that is equipped for vertical departure and arriving just as continued forward flight. The new automaton utilizes a mix of warm cameras, proximity cameras, and sonar to recognize risks. With the assistance of AI models, locally available PCs can naturally recognize hindrances and explore around them. Amazon is wanting to get FAA endorsement for the plan however. The whole automaton is manufactured either from FAA-endorsed parts or planned in light of endorsement. On the off chance that we’ve learned one thing about automaton conveyance as of late, it’s that the execution of these frameworks is a lot harder than essentially assembling the flying machine. What Amazon has done today is divulge an automaton and given itself another cutoff time. Eventually, we have to check whether it works in the future.

There is much criticism in this big idea from Amazon, they have set deadlines for drone deliveries down to a few months: which is an unrealistic idea. The concept of AI driven delivery with no human interaction is far-fetched, and many skeptics believe this technology wouldn’t be available for decades. There is no doubt that this service will have its flaws and limits, and may require operational and technological changes. However, the entire investment from amazon’s team is pushing the barrier of technology and service to customers. It is key to push against these negative beliefs and skeptics. This “push” of technology from successful companies is pivotal to encourage innovation in our society, and ultimatley benefit us all.



Design Thinking- Not A Process But A Mindset

In this article, Anmol R. Kadam puts forward his perspective on Design Thinking. He emphasizes on the fact that design thinking is a concept being popularly used and applied in businesses and creative fields. The article talks about this as a 4-5 steps process as mostly emphasizing on brainstorming, multi-colored post-it notes and ideation. He says that it is not a linear process with a set rule of applying steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively, but a trial and error method, more like 1,3,4,4,5,2,3,1,4,5 over and over again until you’re happy and satisfied with the result.

“The way I see design thinking is simple. I like to think of it as a mindset that focuses on how to look at challenges around us. A mindset that can help us adapt to the process of being more mindful, and open to the right direction towards innovation” says Anmol R. Kadam.

He mentions some qualities that one needs to develop a design thinking mindset-

Be curious and observe: it starts with being curious and observant. Try to wonder and make sense of things around you and why they are the way they are. He also says that curiosity and observation go hand in hand.

Create and harbor empathy: Curiosity is followed by empathy. Empathy is when you understand the people you are designing for.

Don’t just optimize- challenge to innovate: We don’t know that we want or need something unless we progress and innovate.

Consider the big picture: As important as little details are in the designing process, we need to remember the reason we’re designing it in the first place. So keep the bigger picture in mind as you go through the process and its specific details.

Design thinking is all about making an impact and providing value in people’s lives by being curious, empathetic and positive towards making a change and impacting lives.


Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/310282

Meet Wi-Fi 6

This was new to me as well. Most people don’t know that Wi-Fi changes and updates just like other innovations. The next-generation Wi-Fi, called Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax), will hit the market not long from now and help with faster speeds, including gigabit associations like 10G, and other upgrades. Additionally, Wi-Fi 6 is backwards compatible, which means in the event that somebody purchases another smart speaker that runs the new standard, it will still work fine on Wi-Fi 5, it just won’t get the newer benefits. Efficiency is the key to making this Wi-Fi 6 extraordinary. A significant number of updates are creative arrangements that will allow Wi-Fi capacities to work better.

OFDMA, Modulation, MIMO and Battery Life are some of the highlights of this new generation WI-Fi.

OFDMA (orthogonal frequency division multiple access) will have each Wi-Fi channel divided into hundreds of smaller channels called resource units. Since resource units can be assigned to individual devices, it allows multiple transmissions to take place at the same time, allowing a smooth flow of connection even when multiple devices are trying to use the same network at a time.

Modulation will basically increase the network speeds.

MIMO (multiple-in, multiple-out) will be able to send the same data as several signals, using a single wi-fi channel. This will allow better quality and quantity data to be sent over wi-fi network.

Battery Life

Wi-fi 6 has shown to improve the battery life of the devices that are using the network, due to higher speeds consuming less energy.


North Korea: Strictest Internet Censorships

By disconnecting a nation from the world, censorship hinders the advancement of society by restricting access to information. By doing this, a nation’s government also has the power to shape individuals’ view of the world and forces them to blindly agree with the media that is allowed. In this sense, governments are able to extend their hold over what people say and do. In 2017, North Korea was ranked the worst in the world in terms of freedom of media and censorship problems. All media outlets are owned and controlled by the government of North Korea. All civil and political liberties, including freedom of expression, assembly, association, and religion. In a world where there is no time to stop anymore, where people are constantly inventing and creating, North Korean artists, engineers, scientists, writers, educators etc are unable to learn and cope with the advancements and developments outside of the country.

“Nothing can ever justify people being thrown in detention for trying to fulfill a basic human need- to connect with their family and friends” says Arnold Fang, East Asia Researcher at Amnesty International. The use of mobile phones and outside information is restricted, showing the intensified controls, repression and intimidation of the population since Kim Jung-un came to power in 2011.

The people of North Korea are deprived of what we call basic human rights. The authorities control and conceal in order to maintain their dictatorship and power. Citizens are unable to express their miserable situations let alone learn from the outside world. People who try to escape or use any form of media or technology and are caught are sent to reform facilities, political prison camps or sometimes even executed.

North Korea is just one example that proves censorship is not justified because of its detrimental effects on a nation’s development and the rights of its citizens. 

