Automation for cleanliness?

Once again, we have encountered a health issue that has caused citizens of every nation to be “re-concerned” about their health. Only 41% of people tested claim to wash there hands 3 or more times on a daily basis, with women dragging the average up quite a bit. However, now that people recognize the importance of cleanliness and sterilization we have also began to implement technology in our sanitation processes.

One company has taken sterilization to a deeper level. Blue Ocean Robotics has created a UVD robot that disperses ultraviolet light in order to kill of germs and other bacteria’s. While this does not necessarily clean the object with soap or water, it removes any harmful germs we may be worried about.

Another sterilization process companies like Blue Ocean Robotics have been trying to push forward are the robot delivery systems. They hope that this massive decrease in human to human contact will help promote cleanliness and decrease the spread of potentially harmful germs.

AI technology has seemed to fit a niche within every occupation, whether it food delivery, healthcare, cash exchanges, etc. However, one of the most important, also happens to be one we humans are poor at and that is self care. The implementations of these robots can have an unseen effect within our bodies and improve the cleanliness of the things we consume and purchase.




AI and Big Data to prevent outbreaks

As everyone knows, the corona virus, which has been traced back to its origin in China, has spread globally and created massive issues socially and economically. China, being the world leader they are relied heavily on their advanced healthcare and AI technologies in order to track and gather where the virus may have started and where it will go. This intelligence helped prevent many more people from being infected but, its capabilities are endless and we are just starting to recognize that.

New companies like Bluedot and other competitors have began to use AI as a way to track, prevent, treat and predict outbreaks on a national or global level. These artificial intelligence sequences use social media, doctors submissions, travel logs and a multitude of other factors to help predict when an outbreak will occur. The Canadian company, Bluedots, algorithm has even been so accurate it predicted the threat of an outbreak days before the CDC or the WHO published their public warnings.

Not only can this AI help track and prevent outbreak they can also help on a more person by person level. This technology can be used to diagnose people, process claims and payments, medicine delivery and other vital aspects of the the healthcare industry. We are just beginning to see the (potential) benefits of artificial intelligence, no matter what occupation it is used in, and the advancement of the industry could have major beneficial effects for the world population, as a whole.



Why Big Data development is so important

Although there are currently ways of obtaining and keeping and keeping our personal data forever, it is also essential in the development of technology, bettering business’s and other industries and potentially help the stock market.

The technology we have today has language processors and is, in summary, so smart that it can learn from its own inputs and data. This allows for things like game updates on Call Of Duty or Fortnite even though they didn’t release a whole entire new game. The capabilities the collection of big data has shown is very promising, as we have really only ever seen data usage (and adjustments from said data) in video games. The future possibilities online companies and maybe even brick and mortar companies are endless but first we must figure out how to properly store, distribute and dispose of said data.

It is predicted that by 2022 75% of companies will be experimenting with Big Data usage to better themselves and the other 25% is already using it. This shows how, even if big data invades privacy, its content will be purchased by someone. There will always be new companies and new people looking to create a new idea with old data, an abundance of data at that.

Throughout this continuous growth, constant purchase and, quite frankly, lack of oversight the Big Data field has massive room for growth, especially because we are only at the beginning of the digital age. This sector could possibly reach stock prices the exceed healthcare and other blue chip industries. So as we can see, we are just beginning to realize the capabilities of Big Data and the worth of data brokers, the potential is unmatched and it can help create a more sustainable and predictable economy.



Verma, Amit, et al. “Why Is Big Data Analytics So Important?” Whizlabs Blog, 19 Mar. 2018,

Viruses and Internet privacy

This is totally hypothetical as I know and assume the virus will not get to this point, however, in the state of global/national emergency how can our Internet and personal privacy rights be infringed upon?

According to the FCCs broadband privacy rules were voted on and overturned by The House of Representatives in March of 2017. This allows ISPs or Internet Service Providers to gather, collect and sell our data, geolocation, app usage and much more. Through this overturning, it also opened up a new highway of surveillance, online and physical, for the government and other services it may be relevant too.

If our internet privacy can be so silently infringed upon and our information sold and collected, what potential does an actual global disaster have in terms of ruining our solidarity and personal privacy.

Some of a few things I have already discovered include the sale of our data, the keeping of our data even after we leave any given ISP, a major lack in oversight of said data, and even the disregard of our rights according to the amendment (as there are loop holes for internet services and data brokers). Not only have all of these things been done in our recent past, they are being done as we speak. As I type this blog and eventually post it, the content will forever be stored somewhere. That is a scary thought especially due to the fact that they change internet laws so secretly and quick.

If our rights are being loop holed and infringed upon now, our privacy and self autonomy will most definitely be endangered in times of crisis. We are at a point in time where ever single one of our daily actions will be uploaded to the cloud and our internet privacy is something we must address if we hope to live our own private lives twenty years down the road.



“Privacy Laws in the USA.” IVPN,

AI hacking and cyber attacks

Throughout the course of this class so far we have spoken of the potential and capabilities of AI and the Internet of Things. But how safe are when we bring more cloud connected devices into our daily lives? What extra damage can hackers do to our lives if we keep increasing the technology throughout?

One huge issue within the worry of hackers is in the healthcare system. Hospitals and doctors have access to all of our information, including information that can be used to harm us, our bank accounts and careers. A large portion of hacking comes from phishing, which is when hackers again general access through an employee or friend with the relaying credentials. Does this same worry follow through into our increasing computerized homes? If a friend knows our home codes what other information can they access or gather from the code if all of our devices are connected?

Another big worry is the potential vulnerability within our military. If we continue to expand our digital database of information and top secrets how safe is that information is if its all inter connected? How safe and reliable are the AR glasses our soldiers use? Many say we simply arent ready or prepared for the consequences that could come from a mass hack.

As we have known, the technology to advance the Internet of Things has been around us for almost three decades. Whether its through Bluetooth, the cloud, or some other un-invented form of data transmitting a lot of our technology will be interconnected in a few short years to come. How do we know we can rely on these devises? How are we sure they are safe and what can we do to better prepare?



Augmented Reality: Military and Technology

The military has long been our nations leading drive in technology advancements and knowledge. As it continues to demand new stealth and warfare goodies, we have begun to involve artificial intelligence in training and more recently an augmented reality for our soldiers.

Tactical Augmentation has been something we have always been able to see one television whether its an early notification of a proximity mine or identifying friend from foe from thousands of feet. Now thanks to better technology and more efficient interfaces we have been able to combine artificial intelligence with our soldiers day to day interactions.

One huge effect this can have for our soldiers is the technologies ability to detect from distances. The goggles used by the soldier can zoom in, enhancing eyesight, give marking for distances, indicate friendly or enemy targets, inform of lethal equipment and much more. This technology will have a direct effect on the efficiency of the men and woman fighting.

Not only can this technology be used directly on the soldier but it can also be implemented in vehicles and automated weapons systems. Thus, better our military from a tactical and defensive standpoint. Who knows maybe one day our cars and personal classes will have this awesome capability!



How much technology is too much?

During the course of IST 110 we have talked about the amazing possibilities technology can have whether its defined within the Internet of Things or just simply a faster processing unit. However, I have constantly questioned and thought about “how much technology is too much”? Is there a point of no return, a point where technology begins to learn and adapt so much it tries to change our society on a global level?

Recently, this has not been a worry of mine until we began learning of how much these devices truly know, especially the devices that are capable of adapting its outputs given certain inputs. Elon Musks most recent statement about regulating AI also has my view on smart technology scrambled. If the man who is one of a few public faces for improvements in AI is calling for “regulations”, even on his own companies, is this cause for concern?

Musk stated in the article that it is difficult to follow through with such regulations and implementations because we simply cant grasp the rate at which these devices learn and grow. He also said that we are at a point in time where deep intelligence agencies have the capability of using AI in forms of terrorism with the intent of collapsing careers, organizations and even political parties by creating fake news and manipulating information. When implemented, a specific AI unit has the ability to read and transform data then output the most effective way to complete its task while at the same time learning from previous entries. With how quickly computers process and generate data this essentially will lead to never-ending knowledge and adaptability at a rate that is unknown. Should we be worried about the intelligence of our intelligence or are we just paranoid?



Froelich, Paula. “Elon Musk Calls for Regulations on Artificial Intelligence.” New York Post, New York Post, 22 Feb. 2020,

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Many speak of artificial intelligence as a futuristic idea that will vastly change our society and how we process information. However, AI technology has been in our daily lives in the most recent years and it is beginning to become a healthcare necessity.

AI within the healthcare field is defined somewhat differently, as it is not a machine doing the work, but rather, a human using the machines information, depictions, and retrievals to assess their patient more effectively. For example, if a patient comes in and has been pre-diagnosed with a stroke, any doctor can input the patients complaints, the effects the stroke is having on the body and many more variables. As a result the AI with return possible conditions, treatments for all those conditions, and even the possible issues to come from certain treatments given the patients condition.

Most importantly the AI system in the healthcare field learns and adapts just as any other Artificial intelligence would. As new data points, new statistics and more and more conditions are inputted into the system, it generates new possibilities and new treatments. This allows us to more effectively asses risks and rewards while more successful diagnosing patients, with very little human input.

An example of how beneficial AI can be, comes from WebMD, where doctors and analysts came together to verify the benefits and uses of AI in the healthcare system. This example stated that if a patient had ovarian cancer AND were on a beta-blocker (a blood pressure drug) they lived, on average, four years longer than those with ovarian cancer and were not on beta-blockers.

More and more correlations will continue to reveal themselves as we gather more data on patients health, symptoms, treatments and effects which will result in an even more effective healthcare system for both patients and doctors.



Kennedy, Lauren Paige. “How Artificial Intelligence Helps in Health Care.” WebMD, WebMD, 29 Nov. 2018,