Could a world of the Internet of Things be positive or negative?

In class we talked about how the Internet of Things is the use of sensors and networks that connect with each other or a cloud. Devices in the Internet of Things could give data to big companies and governments. It’s a world filled with data recordings and technology tracking. These objects could be everyday items.

A world where electronics are at our fingertips would be crazy. I for one would be in favor for efficiency, but it appears we are slowly moving toward a world where more efficiency would mean less privacy. For example if we all had self driving cars, would they even work? Who would be responsible for an accident? What if something goes wrong? All these questions and lots of risks.

Maybe whether or not self driving cars work is not in question. If our cars are connected to the internet, will the government or big businesses be able to see our cars data. That’s a scary world.

First and foremost, there are too many challenges for the internet of things to be a realistic. The major problem is financially. As we discussed in class, technology is not at a level where it is disposable yet.

I personally wouldn’t be in favor of an Internet of Things world. The reason I say that because I am already on my phone too much as is. I can’t imagine sitting in a restaurant and my soda can have electronics on them. As this expands, people personalities become dimmer and their communication skills begin to disappear. Today, more so than ever, people are glued to their electronics and rarely look up to talk to each other. I think a world where every day items become data driven is a scary one. It will be interesting to see.



How would society be different if social media never existed?

The influx of social media has lead a lot of people to wonder what was its original intent. Today, social media is a significant part of the youth in America and many wonder if it was for the better or for the worse.

The first major social media platform that had lots of people hooked on it was actually Facebook. The intent of facebook was to keep friends from college closer together. It was a place to share memories and stories. Facebook was the “high tech” cell phone. Today facebook is used for a lot different purpose. Today, most of the time social media provides a platform for one of two things: bragging and reacting.

Im not going to lie, I use social media to brag about my life.

Kiev, Ukraine – October 17, 2012 – A logotype collection of well-known social media brand’s printed on paper. Include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Vimeo, Flickr, Myspace, Tumblr, Livejournal, Foursquare and more other logos.

Social media presence is being looked at now by employers. It puts lots of pressure on young people today to make smart decisions with their cellphone. In addition, social media has limited face to face interaction, something that I for one think is a major problem. Tradition and the ability to communicate in person with one another is becoming something of the past.

Furthermore, we only share the good on our social media pages. We use it as an escape. That is not the reality of life.

The True Purpose of Social Media 2018

The iPhone 11 is here!


Apples launch event will reveal the brand new iPhone 11 later today. In class we talked about how Apple has been able to create such a great stronghold on the market and has now become one of the most elite and dominant technology companies of today.

People today are seemingly glues to their cell phones and the iPhone 11, while a wonderful display of technology will only add to that. According to Tech Radar, the iPhone 11 will not be a major upgrade from the already powerful iPhone X.

According to Tech Radar, the iPhone 11 will not be compatible with 5G or be foldable. They believe that those are in the works for future iPhones. In my personal opinion, the difference between 4G LTE and 3G is fairly large. Just a few years ago, I remember using 3G and being perfectly comfortable with it. Now 3G seems to take forever to load.

Overall the biggest change between the iPhone X and the iPhone 11 is the camera…. once again. To me, Apple had a big jump from the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 5 and 6. But the jump between the 7 and the 11 is relatively small for me. I am having even less and less incentive to upgrade. The camera on my iPhone X is already good enough.

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How should free speech be protected over social media?


We’ve all heard this before: “its a free country, I can say what I want?”.

With the rise of social media, are these standards still true? This hasn’t been the first time this question has been raised. One case study I looked at were how students were using social media in school.

The question is simple: Should students be free to post anything they want on the Internet, even if it shows disrespect for teachers or school administrators?

While many have different opinions on this, I personally believe this situation becomes tricky. Generally I believe that the First Amendment should be used to defend free speech. If they use social media to say that they don’t like a certain teacher, I think that should be protected. However if students use social media to perform threats of insight violence, then the line is drawn. That should not be tolerated.

In real life, schools can restrict speech that are vulgar or inappropriate. On social media, students and people alike are free to say nearly whatever they would like. I think it should remain that way. If I were too post something on Twitter saying “Screw Ohio State” I think I should be allowed to do that. I think people often use social media as a way to hide from confrontations. If I curse an Ohio State fan on social media, it’s a lot different than having to face those consequences if the confrontation was real life.

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Overall, I do feel free speech should be protected on social media. Just a few years ago, people with the most resources would have their ideas rise to the top of the marketplace. Now, everyone has a platform to say their opinion and let it be heard. With it though, defiantly comes it’s consequences.

Free Expression on Social Media



Are cell phones playing a factor is people’s communication skills?

Ever since cell phones became more widely used by the millennial generation, many people have pointed to them as the reason people aren’t nearly as social as they once where. While social media connects everyone closer than they have ever been before, why do so many people still feel far a part? Well I for one think its sad that people struggle to have genuine conversations anymore. I for one want to be able to sit in a class 10 minutes before it starts and make a few friends. With people addiction to the cell phone, its becoming harder and harder to do so.

According to the 2015 article done by “Greater Good Magazine” iPhones are killing “face to face interactions” like never before. In the article, MIT sociologist Sherry Turkle says we “lose our ability to have deeper and more spontaneous conversations with others”. Now in 2019, this has become a fundamental problem. Here is an example. Imagine you walk into semi filled doctors office. When you go to sit in the waiting room, are you going to sit right next to someone or will you sit at least one seat away from that person. Chances are you will sit a seat over and immediately look at your phone.

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Unfortunately this is the sad reality of the truth. People would rather look at their screens than look at each other. In the end, does it make anybody any happier? I’m not hypocritical here… I use my phone. But I feel that in a world where everyone is interconnected, we should not feel so alone.

How Smartphones Are Killing Conversation:


Do violent video games cause violent behavior?

With shootings rapidly increasing in the United States, many have turned to video games as the potential link to this violent behavior. Many feel that video games distort reality at a young age, leading children to grow up and act in more repulsive ways. But is this true? Getting to the bottom of it is complex. It’s like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg.

According to an article by Psychology Today, “many studies have found” that people who tend to play violent video games have “more aggressive moods and behaviors”. Personally  I play video games and I think it has no effect on me. My friends play video games as well and I haven’t seen any significant behavioral differences. In my opinion, if a child grows up to be rebellious, there are multiple factors that I conclude. In my opinion, a violent person is violent because of their parents or lack their off. What a child endures inside the household is what will primarily raise them to be who they are.

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Now not all video games are for all people. A parent should place limits on the types of games a child should play and how long they should play it. My parents would not let me play certain video games until I was mature enough to understand the difference between what is meant to be fun and what is real life.

What I think more people need to understand is the reason video games have become so popular is the community aspect of it. After school, students can easily get a snack and turn on their Playstation or Xbox and play with their friends. I tell my parents all the time that when I play video games, its like a giant phone call with all of my friends. Its a way to catch up, laugh and have a good time.

Unfortunately, I think as tragedies continue to happen, more and more people were turn to video games as the scape goat.

Psychology Today:
