Super Smash Bros Ultimate is the latest release in a game series that has spanned since the original release on the Nintendo 64 in 1999. The Smash Bros franchise features various prominent Nintendo characters that can battle each other in a 2D “Street Fighter” kind of style. With every new release, more characters are featured, new in battle items are added, and new maps are created. Super Smash Bros Ultimate is the pinnacle of the franchise so it features over 70 Nintendo characters, over 80 in battle items, and over 90 maps. Every game in the Smash Bros series features a “Classic Mode” where characters have to play through a series of different battles and timed challenges to reach the final boss which is generally the series main antagonists Master hand and/or Crazy Hand. Smash Bros Ultimate built off this classic mode, giving each character their own unique battle sequence to play through and giving them a final enemy at the end that is an antagonist unique to the game series of the chosen character.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998) vs. Breath of the Wild (2017)
Aside from the obvious increase in quality of graphics in Ocarina of Time versus Breath of the Wild, the two games share many similarities in their features and gameplay. Even the main stories of the games, while different, parallel each other in many ways. This blog post will explore the differences and similarities in the two games.