The Metal Gear franchise is a series of games created by developer Hideo Kojima and is renowned for having one of the most in-depth storylines in all of the videogames. The series contains 10 main releases spanning nearly 20 years and countless spin-offs in-between with the most recent major release being Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Unfortunately, MGS5: TPP is the last Metal Gear game developed by Hideo Kojima following his departure from Konami, the longtime publisher of the series. His decision to leave the publisher was largely due to a restructuring of the company and a power struggle that ensued, making MGS5: TPP the last “true” Metal Gear game.
Metal Gear games are typically action-adventure with a focus on stealth and espionage. The storyline revolves around the existence of several “Metal Gear,” or bipedal tanks that world governments, military contractors, and terrorists constantly seek control or the destruction of. Metal Gear are considered superweapons and are highly desirable for those seeking global dominance. Many of the games are played by Solid Snake, one of the several genetic clones of the legendary soldier known as Big Boss. Major Spoiler (skip if desired): However, MGS5: TPP is played by Punished “Venom” Snake, a former lieutenant of Big Boss that was unknowingly turned into his body double using hypnosis and plastic surgery. Punished “Venom” Snake assumed Big Boss’s identity, thereby becoming his ‘phantom’ which is where The Phantom Pain gets its name.