Weird but True– Disney Edition!

Hello, hello fellow Disney fans! Welcome back! As promised, this week we’ll be talking about random Disney facts. Now, be warned… some of these may get a little weird. So, without further ado, let’s begin!

First up, we have that the entirety of Disneyland can fit in the Magic Kingdom parking lot in Disney World. While Disneyland was created first, it is certainly MUCH smaller than Disney World. Of the four parks in Disney World, the smallest park is the Magic Kingdom. The fact that Disneyland can fit into the parking lot of the smallest park in Disney World just goes to show how small Disneyland is. 

Second, all the employees who work in Disney are called cast members. Walt Disney wanted his amusement park to feel like a show, so everyone who works there are called cast members. 

Third, the doors to the bathrooms in Animal Kingdom are made of steel with locks. The majority of Animal Kingdom is a legitimate safari with about 2,000 animals covering 110 acres of land. In addition to this, there are tigers and monkeys and gorillas and more in zoo-like habitats throughout the park. While these animals are fairly well-trained, it is impossible to predict every movement of these creatures. To prepare for the worst and ensure the safety of all Animal Kingdom guests, Disney uses steel doors with locks on all bathrooms in Animal Kingdom so guests can lock themselves in there in the case of an animal stampede.

Next up, we have that it would take 68 years to stay in every hotel room on Disney World property for one night each. With over 25 resorts, Disney World has A LOT of hotel rooms. If one decided that “hey, I want to stay in every single room on Disney property,” it would take them a very long time. Over 20 million guests come to Disney World each year, so it is no surprise that they have enough hotel rooms to occupy 68 years of someone’s life trying to stay in each one for one night.

Fair warning, our last two facts are a little weird– even slightly morbid (Haunted Mansion time, anyone?!). To start, it is not uncommon for people to bring their deceased loved one’s ashes into Disney to scatter them. I know. Weird. I’ll let you take a minute to process that one.                      Alright, hopefully you’re ok now. For some people, their families just really love Disney so much that they want their loved ones to essentially be buried there. They will pour them in the waters of The Pirates of the Caribbean or drop them outside the Haunted Mansion or pour them into the Seven Seas Lagoon (one of the man-made bodies of water in the middle of Disney World). It’s odd, but people do it. 

Last up, we have the weirdest one I’ve ever heard. A coroner cannot pronounce someone dead in Disney, so their body would need to be carried out of the park before they can be pronounced dead. Now, I’m not 100% positive this one is true, but I figured it was interesting enough to include. So, I’m just going to leave that there for now.

Thanks for sticking through another installment of It All Started With A Mouse. Until next time!

7 thoughts on “Weird but True– Disney Edition!

  1. I do not understand why someone would want their ashes released at Disney. I wonder what the employees do when they are cleaning up and stumble upon someone’s ashes? Speaking of workers, I really want to work at Disney so I can claim I am a cast member. That’s awesome! I had no idea you cannot be pronounced dead in Disney. I want to test this theory without a real dead body.

  2. I enjoyed your blog Ainsley(again!). It is easy to read and captivates the audience and makes it feel like I am talking to you. One thing that I took away was that it would take someone 68 YEARS! Just to stay in all of the rooms! Wow! Have a great day! I can not wait for the next one.

  3. That ashes fact is pretty creepy. Makes me regret dipping my hand in the water of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. You have a very good voice in these blogs. They’re very entertaining to read. Keep up the good work.

  4. As i first time reader of your blog, I thought that this was an excellent way o introduce me to your blog and Disney World. Having been to Disney World before I assumed that I would know what a lot of your posts would be about, but I am very happy that you disproved that assumption. I did not know any of these facts and because of that, I was engrossed and interested throughout the entire post. You have really caught my eye with your conversational banter and fun topics. I look forward to reading your next post.

  5. I really enjoyed reading this! Although I knew about the fact that people tend to release ashes, it still baffles me that they would want to do that. I really wish to one day go to Disney although I wouldn’t want to spend 68 years there. You should look into the college programs that they have for students and maybe review how to get into it and what they do!

  6. This blog is awesome! Your facts today were fascinating and a few of them even made me smile. I really liked the one about the animal stampedes at Animal Kingdom. I never thought of that but it certainly makes sense. I also did not realize how small Disneyland was. I sorta always thought it was the same size at Disney world because Disney world if all I know. Lastly about the ashes. It is certainly creepy but I am not surprised that people do that. Disney is such a happy place that is important to so many people that inevitably people would want to be buried there and the like. Maybe we can look on the bright side and think that it was made that person so happy that they wanted to be buried there, not that eww there are ashes all over.

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