And so Our Journey Comes to an End…

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the last installment of It All Started With A Mouse. Thanks for following along with me as we’ve talked about Disney. I have loved getting to write this blog. I hope reading this has brought you as much joy as it’s brought me writing it!

For my last post, I’m going to write about my favorite Disney park, the Magic Kingdom, and tell you three reasons why I love it. Without further ado, let the show begin!

First off, the nostalgia is off the charts. I have so many amazing memories of going there as a kid. I rode my first roller coaster, the BarnStormer, in MK. I saw the castle for the first time in MK. I met princesses for the first time in MK. I also have so many fun memories of getting there extra early or staying extra late and getting sections of the park completely to ourselves. Some of the food and restaurants are delicious, too. One that my family used to go to all the time was the Crystal Palace. This was a buffet where you could meet Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, and Piglet. It was always one of my favorite meals at Disney. I love the Magic Kingdom and all the memories that go with it.

Second, it is home to some of my favorite rides: Splash Mountain, It’s a Small World, Jungle Cruise, and many more. One specific memory I have is my first time riding Splash Mountain. My dad put me on his shoulders and we walked over to the ride together. I remember being so excited to go on this ride with my dad. When we got there, I was so nervous for the big “drop” but when it came along, I loved it! We had a blast, and now my whole family rides it together. It brings such great memories. 

Third, the castle. Need I say more? It is so beautiful and majestic. I know it probably pales in comparison to a real castle, but to someone who has never seen a real castle, I love it. It brings me so much joy to turn the corner down Main Street and see it at the end. I also love how it gets decorated for every occasion. Right now it’s pinkish with gold ribbons to celebrate the 50th anniversary. For the 25th anniversary, it was decorated like a cake. They also decorate it for most holidays, whether with decorations or light projections. Although, there is something special about its usual gray and blue. It reminds me of Cinderella, which is perfect considering it’s her castle! Regardless, the castle always looks beautiful.

If you can’t tell, for me, my favorite things about Disney all boil down to memories and nostalgia. Disney holds so many amazing memories for me and that’s honestly why I love it so much. I look forward every time I get to go to see some of my favorite things and make even more memories. Disney holds such a special place in my heart, and I hope I have been able to share that with you through this blog. 

Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this blog. I’ve certainly had fun writing it! For your last time reading, I’m going to leave you with a quote from my favorite fireworks show, Happily Ever After, and remember, if you can dream it, you can do it!

“And so, our journey comes to an end. But yours continues on. Grab ahold of your dreams and make them come true. For you are the key to unlocking your own magic. Now go. Let your dreams guide you. Reach out and find your Happily Ever After.”

6 thoughts on “And so Our Journey Comes to an End…

  1. Can confirm: real castles are awesome. I highly recommend Neuschwanstein; it’s a really cool place in Germany.
    But also: thanks for sharing your memories of Disney with us! Even though I’ve never been there, it’s always fun to reminisce about things that make us happy.

    P.S. That quote is fantastic.

  2. Magic Kingdom is also my favorite park because there is so much to do. Splash mountain was always one of my favorites. I loved reading about your trip and your love for Disney! I hope you’ll get to go back soon.

  3. Ainsley I love the title- it’s the absolute cutest. The picture of you when you were younger is priceless, and the Barnstormer was my first rollercoaster too! I’ve loved reading about your thoughts on Disney World, and adore all of the photos you’ve always had.

  4. Wow, those pictures are surreal! I loved reading your blogs, it felt like a travel agent giving me advice on the best spots to visit. I will definitely go to visit your blogs again when I plan my next travel to Disney.

  5. I have loved every minute of reading your blogs. I also love the Magic Kingdom and the nostalgia it brings. One of my favorite things about MK is TinkerBell flying from the castle down Main Street. It is so surreal and magical. Your blog is making me so excited for my next Disney trip!

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