Tailoring Happiness Theories for Yourself

The end of March has arrived. After nearly months of cold, wind, and gray skies, the weather is getting warmer and today the sun made an appearance. As the weather gets nicer, I hear a lot of my friends joking (or not joking) that their seasonal depression has instantly lifted. I’ve also noticed my own […]

Happiness Theories

This week a friend of mine told me she’s considering leaving Penn State. I asked her why and she told me that she’s having a hard time with her classes, she doesn’t have a large support system here, and most of all she’s unhappy. Hearing her say that broke my heart a little bit. I […]

You Are What You Eat

With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching (though not rapidly enough) a lot of us are starting to think about that deliciously overindulgent Thanksgiving meal. In general, many of us may be craving a break from the dining hall food as we travel home for break. But before we get there, before we get home and to Thanksgiving […]

Call Home!

Last week, after days and days of “meaning to” but failing to reach out to a friend, I finally did. A short text and a long phone call later, and I realized I needed to do a better job reaching out to people. As college students, many of us are away from our friends and […]