Awake…smile…and give Thanks and Praise to God for this golden opportunity. Another day. Another day to ‘get it right!’ Good morning beloved people. I am up. Showered. Made coffee and also made breakfast for big Fred. Who, by the way, is hanging in there like the champ he is. There is, of course, debilitation but Fred is still trying his best to be Fred and do the things that made him loved and cherished by all of us blessed to know him. I left him at home this morning while I came to work to get a few tasks completed before heading out to Johnstown to the 1/2 way house for my weekly stay. I’m planning on taking Fred with me there ‘cause they appreciate the big boy’s presence there as much as, or maybe even more than they do mine. Ha ha! Even though I’m loaded up again with groceries of all manner and sort for these hungry guys they
still welcome Fred first when we walk in there. Oh, that’s alright. I’ve long ago gotten used to that. It happens EVERYWHERE we go! Fred is the celebrity in this duo. And he deserves to be. Remember, Fred was a ‘Rescued dog’. If you ever have the chance to get a dog ( or any animal in fact), get a rescued one. They need the love and care more than most and…will give that and more in return. Plus…you are literally saving their life! Without your adoption they’d eventually be ‘put down’. You will be performing an act of love and being a ‘Blessing’. Isn’t that what our whole journey is about? Isn’t that what we talk about and share most every day? Yes! Fred and I go to Johnstown for a day or so. We come bringing food, information, aspiration, direction, news and reconnection to these men. We also come bringing love. Be a blessing yourself this day. In one way or another bring Love. Welcome to this Grand Rising.