Last Day of February 2022

Good morning World. Last day of this month. March is upon us. A good month in many ways this was. A good month in many ways March will be. Thank God for this experience then let us set about to make it so! I believe in prayer. I believe in the power of positive thought. I believe The Designer of all endowed us with the ability to determine our fate, our destiny.
I also believe in the inherent goodness of us Humans. So every day I approach Life with an optimism that fuels my momentum and invigorates my spirit. In actuality, I am so enjoying the opportunities I have to simply make a difference. Thank you for supporting my efforts. Thank you for showing me ways to be more effective. Thank you for lifting me up when I stumble. Thank you for being there when I reach out. The realization that I am no longer walking this path isolated and alone in a realm filled with darkness and pain has never been more obvious or more welcomed than now. Thank you for your presence along the way. We still have a ways to go yet and things to make happen. Let’s get ready to go into March like lions and do what needs to be done. Welcome to this Grand Rising my friend.

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