Wednesday’s Message

Good Morning everyone. Middle of the week already. God has blessed us with another day. I am so grateful to welcome this Grand Rising. And especially so to welcome it with you in thought, joyous feeling and prayer. I am well. Fred is laying by my feet as I write, breathing deeply in the midst of a puppy romping, bunny chasing dream. It’s almost time to take him out for his morning ‘constitution’ but I’ll let him sleep for another few minutes while you and I share the beginnings of this beautiful day. He is so comfortable and, thanks be to God, has not descended into that realm of pain and debilitation that his bone cancer often causes. I’ll take that and enjoy the time we have together for as long as it lasts. So many of you beloved people have told me that you keep big Fred in your thoughts and prayers and you’ll remember that I am a fervent believer in the power of both prayer and of positive thoughts. So, thank you for your heart-felt gifts. They are working. I want you to know that I too lift up each of you in prayer and thought. Even those of you who I am just getting to know or hear about. Yesterday I received a response from someone who let me know that their father is in the hospital and had been for some time. They and their Mother sit and be with dad who may or may not be conscious. I don’t know, but Josh who answered my writings said that they read my words to dad every time I write and know that he is aware of my message. They promise that once he is able to he will answer himself. I am humbled and so, so thankful for the opportunity to be a blessing to this family. In whatever way possible that is what we are supposed to do. We are supposed to do what we know are the ‘right’ things to do. Helping one another navigate this world’s ups & downs is one of those ‘right’ things. We shouldn’t really have to think about it, but just incorporate that into how we interact with those in our lives or those who we may not even know but whose lives and circumstances somehow touches our own. A word. A deed. An act. A thought. An example. A gift. A prayer. These are some of the ways our gift of humanity and community can be shared. This is how we can continue to be a blessing to the world that sorely needs blessings more now than perhaps any other time in our history. We each have a role to play in this wondrous drama. Let us play those parts to perfection and let Justice call for ‘Encore’! Peace and Blessings beloved friend.

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