I think back to 11 months ago, when the world for me was so very different. I sit in awe of the transformation my life has undergone, and I smile as my heart sings the joy of simply being once more….alive. The beauty of this all is that I am not alone as I once thought I was. You are here. You move along this path with me. And there are others who feel that what we say, what we feel, and what we do is ‘Right and Just’ and they too move in the way of God’s Law. I thank you all. The world thanks you for being the blessing that you are. Today I return to Johnstown Community Correction Center. I again bring what food, information and direction I have amassed this week to the men who must live there for however long it takes to transition back to their communities. I only have two trips after this one and then my furlough contract will be over and I move on into the next phase of my own transition. No! I am NOT afraid! How can I be? I’ve waited for this moment in time for over 50 yrs. I am so happy to be at this place in time. And so grateful for the opportunity to be doing the work and living the life I am. My message for you today is simply ‘Reach out and touch somebody’s hand. Make this a better place if you can.” Sound familiar? Ha ha…Welcome to this Grand Rising beloved. Enjoy the fullness of this day!

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