New Message without Fred

Good Morning Sunshine! Let us greet this day as my Sister Ann would say ‘Glad to be above ground.’ So yes! Let us thank The Creator for the continued gift of Life and let us try with every fiber of our being to make this day worthwhile. For ourselves, our families, and for others. When you think about it, it seems an almost impossible task doesn’t it? How in the world are you supposed to make so many people feel their own worth? Or feel better about life or their conditions? You’re only one person yourself. What can you possibly do? We’ll all is NOT hopeless my friend because the first and most important step of such an endeavor is to make sure that YOU are alright! You can’t do anything for anybody else unless you yourself are taken care of. Your mind. Your emotions. Your spirit and your body has to be in sync with each other in order to maximize ANYTHING you set out to accomplish. So let us set a task today to look at ourselves and nurture, strengthen and uplift those areas within us that need our care and attention. We give of ourselves so much. Today let us give TO ourselves. Tap into that source of all Life and Positivity and become all that you need to be. Then you can step out to be the strength and the light that someone else may desperately need. Grand Rising is now!

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