2016-2017 Academic Year Recap

We made quite a few conferences this year as we continued work on the system!

  • Simpson, M., Zhao, J., Garner, G., Wallgrün, J.O., Keller, K., Oprean, S., and Klippel, A. Immersive Virtual Reality for Multi-Dimensional Data Visualization. Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2017 Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts. April 2017.
  • Simpson, M., Garner, G., Wallgrün, J.O., Keller, K., Oprean, D., Bansal, S., and Klippel, A. Immersive Virtual Reality for Decision Making with Environmental Models. Annual Meeting of the Middle Atlantic Division of the AAG. Fairfax, Virginia. November 2016.
  • Simpson, M., Wallgrün, J.O., Klippel, A., Yang, L., Garner, G., Keller, K., Oprean, D., and Bansal, S. Immersive Analytics for Multi-objective Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy (DICE) Models. Immersive Analytics Workshop at ACM-Interactive Surfaces and Spaces. Niagara Falls, Ontario. October 2016.
  • Simpson, M., Garner, G., Wallgrün, J.O., Keller, K., Oprean, D., Bansal, S., and Klippel, A. Immersive Analytics for Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change. SpatialVA 2016 Workshop at GIScience 2016. Montreal, Quebec. September 2016.


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