Sustainable forest management under climate change requires a new approach that links human values, projections, and visualization to decision-making under uncertainty.
We plan to link traditional knowledge (TK) with cutting-edge modeling and visualization techniques– including immersive virtual reality (iVR) experiences- to better understand human values and forests and to explore how forest management decisions can be made more robust under deep uncertainty.
See the official Visualizing Forest Futures website for more information.
Principal Investigator: Erica Smithwick
Christopher Caldwell
Alex Klippel
Robert Scheller
Nancy Tuana
Senior Personnel:
Rebecca Bird
Klaus Keller
Melissa Lucash
Robert Nicholas
Post-docs and Graduate students:
Casey Helgeson, Post-doc with Nancy Tuana
Jiawei Huang, PhD student with Alex Klippel
Stacey Olson, MS student with Erica Smithwick