Real Steel(2011) is all about futuristic boxing. Now that is pretty cool. Throughout the movie, enormous robotic humanoids are put in the ring to see which one can last longer. I would love to see a sequel that included even more advanced technology.
Real Steel is one of the best action movies out there! It does not have a very intricate plot, but it is emotionally touching.
***********ATTENTION: SPOILERS AHEAD***********
For those of you who are not into movies like this or are short on time, here is the recap. Charlie, the central character played by Hugh Jackman, is an ex-boxer who’s career got over taken with the invention of robot boxing. 10 foot tall robots are built for the purpose of tearing each other apart. They are controlled by the owner with a video game like interface and the goal is to either destroy the opponent or damage them enough so that they can’t function. Charlie makes a living by entering competitions with money on the line. In the beginning he is showing off with his robot against a bull and he loses. He gets put in a situation where he does not have enough money to pay his debt or even buy a new robot (hitting rock bottom). He runs away and learns he has to take care of his son that he had left as an infant. These two characters grow together through their ups and downs as the movie progresses. They had their underdog fighter they found in a junk yard and they were able to climb the ranks with him. Once at the top, they faced the ultimate opponent, Zeus. Zeus broke the control system they were using so then Charlie had to save the day. They used the unique shadow boxing feature the robot had. The robot had to watch Charlie and mimic his movements to finish the fight. Zeus was in the closest fight he was ever in, but he still won. Although, the people did not think of it that way. With the money he won, Charlie was able to pay his debts as well.

The viewers and critics were mostly happy:
The critic’s reviews:
“This one’s a classic on how to blend techno-splendour with high emotions, without going all mushy and sentimental…” –Times of India
“[T]he mix of old fashioned heart and new fanged animatronic cyber tech will make this picture a winner for fathers and sons.” –CNN
“The robots themselves were fun and imaginative and definitely made me wish we really had this sport. I would so be there!”
“Real Steel is the Real Deal” (The best one for obvious reasons)
Now that we know the people loved the first movie, why not make a second? The plot could go in numerous directions. Charlie’s son could take over the business and the sequel could be about his journey. The sequel could be set in an even more distant future where the technology is even more advanced. It could also be all about the rematch with Zeus. It could even follow the plot of the Rocky movies where the apprentice (Charlie’s son) fights with the master (Charlie). Those are just my theories and i’m sure there are many more out there.
The profit of Real Steel may be the preventing factor. The movie’s budget was about 110 million dollars and made just under 300 million dollars worldwide. This sounds like a large profit but i’m sure the sequel would cost more money and Dream Works (the owner of Real Steel) isn’t willing to risk it. They most likely want to fund other movies like How to Train Your Dragon, which would make more money.
We still need a sequel, however! The people will go and watch a great movie. Dream Works showed us that they could make an amazing Real Steel movie and I am sure they can do it again. Let’s make it happen.
Interesting post. I especially like how you include reviews about the movie. However, did that many people really like it if the profits were so low? I think money speaks more than a few testimonies in this case.
The reviews led me to believe that for the people who did watch it, they loved it. To the company, however, money does speak louder than reviews.
I liked this blog post! It was another movie that I have not watched but am now interested in. The plot seems so cool, I wouldn’t be surprised if something like that happened sometime in the future. I am excited to see what you come up with next!
I have actually never heard of this movie before so it is now on my list! I always imagine different sequels movies could make so I really love this blog. I am interested in seeing what you write about next. If you had to pick a favorite movie, would you want them to make a sequel of that?
You will definitely find out about my favorite movie in an upcoming blog!