Inside Out 2!

Inside Out (2015) is an animated movie that everyone can relate to. It is not an action packed movie, like my previous blogs, but rather a heart warming adventure. For anyone who watched it, a sequel is definitely in order.

***********ATTENTION: SPOILERS AHEAD***********


Opinion | The Science of 'Inside Out' - The New York Times
The control center of the brain!

The movie begins with an 11 year old girl, Riley, finding out that her family is moving. As she is entering her teen years, she is very emotional. The rest of the movie centers around her major emotions: Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness. Each emotion, played by an animated figure, is grappling for complete control of Riley. Inside of her mind, there are also different islands representing Riley’s personality traits: family, honesty, hockey, friendship, and finally goofball island. When adapting to her new surrounding she generates some bad memories. The good memories from her old home begin to fade, and all she can focus on is the bad. The joy and sadness characters then get kicked out of the emotion headquarters and try to get back in.  While on their journey the learn more about Riley and reflect on the past. In the meantime, Anger, Disgust, and Fear are controlling Riley, and spiraling her out of control. Once Joy and Sadness return, her emotions stabilize, and she begins to positively adapt to her new life by making good memories.

Pixar's 'Inside Out' takes animation into new emotional territory – Daily News
The major emotions viewing the personality islands.


Every adult has gone through an emotional change in their life, so the movie is very relatable to that audience. For the younger audience, it isn’t as relatable, but it shows them what may happen to their emotions in the future. Why would a sequel be so great? Well, it would make Disney millions of dollars. The 2015 movie’s budget was about $175 million and the movie made over $850 million! I believe the sequel would make even more movie due to how relatable the first one is.

What could the movie be about? The obvious answer is the journey through her teenage years. All adults have gone through that period, so why not make a movie about it. There may be new emotion characters added like Love. There are even more avenues for her personality islands as well. For example, there might be a boys island, a social media island, or even a fashion island. The sequel doesn’t have to be all about her teenage years either. It could be about her college journey or a journey of her career. Disney could even make multiple movies and really get the viewers extremely attached to the characters.

In the reviews, many viewers said they cried and others said it is “a mandatory watch”. Ultimately, it was “a brilliant depiction of adolescence” that was received very well. Pixar has made plenty of sequels in the past, and they should definitely revisit the Inside Out world with a sequel. Make it happen!

4 thoughts on “Inside Out 2!

  1. Now, I have seen this movie and would agree that it is indeed funny. However, I am skeptical of a sequel for its appeal to younger audiences. Most of the people watching a movie like this are on the younger side, so the older the characters get, the less relatable they become to the majority of the audience. In my opinion, it would be dangerous to make a sequel about a teenager marketed to children.

    • As long as the timing is right with the sequel, I believe it will be received well. The sequel would most likely be a stand alone, and that may draw an entirely different audience. The parents also enjoyed the movie, so they would be more inclined to view it as their children grew up.

  2. AH, a movie I have watched! I absolutely loved this movie and did cry in theaters haha, but I totally agree, this deserves a sequel. Like you said, Riley going through her teenage years would be such a great idea, especially since that is an important developmental time period. It would be so interesting to see what happens in her head!

  3. I have seen this movie! I actually was not a fan of it when it was released, but I can definitely see the appeal of making a second movie. Maybe I would enjoy the movie more if it was more about a teenager’s life since I am now older and could therefore relate to the character better on an emotional level. Would the sequel still be aimed at children or be marketed as more of a young adult film?

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