El Poquito

  • 3.8/ 5 stars
  • This score might seem a little low but there is a reasoning behind it that I will explain later in this blog. For now, we are taking a little bit of a step outside of Center City Philadelphia and taking a trip to the suburbs of Chestnut Hill. Chestnut Hill is around thirty minutes northwest of center city Philadelphia and has a beautiful atmosphere that makes you feel as if you’re thrown back in time. The cobblestone main street and small shops that line the avenue bring a cozy and comforting feeling when you pass through Chestnut Hill. In the middle of the avenue lies El Poquito, a Mexican cuisine restaurant with delicious food.
  •  Now I know I’ve given this restaurant a rating of 3.8 but this is due to Center City having such viable Mexican cuisine that is authentic, cheap, and just a quick walk away.
  • El Poquito’s main drawback is the price as they own a monopoly on Mexican in Chestnut Hill as they are the go to place. 
  • The restaurant is called to look like an old cantina with an old wooden facade and different wooden “artifacts” that decorate the interior. Once you walk in you’re greeted by stucco walls and vibrant paint as if the restaurant is trying to portray a building from the southwest. 
  • You can either take a seat at the bar or at one of the wooden tables that lines the walls; or you can sit on the patio that is decorated in colorful lights that are strung from the heat lamps.
  • Once you are situated you have a wide variety to choose from: bowls, tacos, enchiladas, and other authentic Mexican cuisine. Whatever you choose, the food is quick and at your table in less than fifteen minutes. The food is fresh, crisp, and vibrant. You won’t feel bogged down by grease or feel as if it’s sitting in your stomach. The food is really fantastic and you won’t ever have to feel as if the taste is dull or unflavorful. One go to favorite are the chips and guacamole for an appetizer and the chicken enchiladas with mole sauce for my main. What makes this a personal favorite is the mole sauce on top. It is a sweet yet tangy and spicy sauce that pairs well with the corn tortilla and shredded chicken inside. The tortilla absorbs the sauce which then infuses with the chicken making a delicious bite that is then cut by the freshness of the pickled onions and cilantro on top. 
  • For dessert I am a little too generic and usually go for the dulce de leche or churros with ice cream.  
  • Overall the experience is great however the price point compared to similar options of the same standard is a bit steep. For three tacos and a side it ranges from thirteen to seventeen dollars compared to a set of three tacos in center city at a price of eight to ten dollars depending on the type of meat you choose. 
  • Do I recommend this place? If you are wanting to experience Chestnut Hill and the cuisine they provide up there then go for it. The atmosphere in Chestnut Hill is great, especially around the holidays so if you’re wanting something of a Christmas Village vibe then I would definitely recommend El Poquito. However if you’re wanting delicious Mexican food at a great price point then I suggest going somewhere in South Philadelphia near the Italian Market.

Work Cited

  • https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=V9wQZhDp&id=AEB207379BC2C16EE6C5C1E7DB64F2DDE1E0E5C7&thid=OIP.V9wQZhDpiWjEBBUyyO5qKwHaGa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fgetbento.imgix.net%2faccounts%2fd8daf19822db87c2cdedf5aaf8978100%2fmedia%2faccounts%2fmedia%2fPmQAPWEZRYw4TW7lbJNy_el-poquito.png&exph=831&expw=960&q=el+poquito&simid=608024343101310772&ck=B82EC62FA5B434A96A272092C4E2A157&selectedIndex=8&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0
  • https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=eMORZNiv&id=7CC26F648EFF344274C59861161839F525A66DFB&thid=OIP.eMORZNivHSCZ1ffSLJzx8AHaDt&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimages.getbento.com%2faccounts%2fd8daf19822db87c2cdedf5aaf8978100%2fmediausers%2fcustom_fields_galleries%2fimages%2fG8X53TMwTYmGueoPSEIs_Tim%2520Lux%2520-%25202014-12-19%252015.26.16.jpg%3fw%3d1200%26fit%3dcrop%26auto%3dcompress%2cformat%26h%3d600&exph=600&expw=1200&q=el+poquito&simid=608003542534784144&ck=0C00D51A4EEA431804EE13F0AB3BDA49&selectedIndex=19&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0

3 thoughts on “El Poquito

  1. You do a great job of describing the atmosphere and the food too. Sounds like the food is delicious enough to justify the price.

  2. While I’m not the biggest fan of Mexican food this place sounds great. I’m always a fan of how Mexican restaurants possess a vibrant atmosphere that makes you feel like you are eating at a Mexican cantina. While I am sure that this place is great, I agree with your point that if you’re in Philly you are better off getting Mexican food at one of the many places in Center City as it is far less of a distance.

  3. I appreciate the mention of price in the review of this restaurant as well as the visuals and specific recommendations on the menu. That does seem to be rather steep for the cuisine discussed here; however, this blog does a great job of making me want to try it nonetheless.

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