PSU World Campus MEd – Higher Education: Student Engagement

From the PSU Website:

The Master of Education in Higher Education is a 30-credit professional degree program designed to prepare students and professionals for the field of postsecondary education. The master’s in higher education is offered through Penn State’s Center for the Study of Higher Education and the Department of Education Policy Studies. The higher education program has been a part of Penn State for more than 50 years.

HI ED 490 Final Student Affairs and Regulatory Compliance 04-28-15     FERPA.pptx (2)

One thought on “PSU World Campus MEd – Higher Education: Student Engagement

  1. Jackie W-Piatt says:

    HI ED 490
    Exploration of Careers in Higher Education
    Learning Outcomes:

    Issues Intelligence: Draw upon prior research and data to effectively assess a variety of current issues and challenges facing higher education institutions.

    Data Analysis: Demonstrate the ability to and analyze data to improve the practice of higher education;

    Communication Skills: Understand the audience, purpose, and context of professional and academic communication, demonstrating appropriate writing skills and the use of media in oral presentations;

    Collaboration: Collaborate with others and engage in reflective practice to support leading and effective decision making;

    Professionalism: Define what it means to be a higher education professional including standards of ethical practice;

    Reflection: Develop the ability to take responsibility for one’s learning, laying a foundation to become a life-long learner in this field.

    Define Higher Education as a field of study and professional practice; Demonstrate graduate-level academic skills in critical thinking, critical reading, research, scholarly writing, self reflection and professional communication through a variety of assignments including short essays, article critiques, the development of a learning e-portfolio with a reflective learning journal/blog; Demonstrate professional skills and competencies such as: personal and group productivity: managing projects and meetings effectively; acting responsibly and managing time effectively to meet assignment deadlines to become a more self-directed learner; reflective practice in a higher education context; Navigate the hiring process at institutions of higher education; Plan for careers, professional development and lifelong learning, including specific skills related to resume writing, interviewing and working with mentors.

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