Tallgirl (2019)

A few months ago when this movie came out I heard all about it and it seemed as though everyone on the internet was watching it.  I watched the trailer and I was not super impressed. While at home, I wanted something to do so I caved and decided to start watching and I can say that still, I was not super impressed.

My biggest complaint about the movie was how they tried as hard as they could to make Jodie seem like a giant and how her being tall is burdening her in every aspect of her life.  While 6’1 is fairly tall, the main point of the movie is how Jodie struggled to find a guy that was taller than her. I found this pretty interesting because I would say most of the guys that I know are around that height.  Even if they are a bit shorter, only by an inch or two. Every person in this movie must have been like 5’2 because every scene this girl seems to be towering over everyone but in reality, I know girls who are 6’0 and I never even noticed.  The movie really made an effort to hire short actors because Sabrina Carpenter, who plays her sister is 5’0. Angela Kinsey plays Jodie’s mother, and she is 5’1. One of the recurring jokes revolving around Angela’s character on The Office was that she was so tiny.  I just found it irritating how they were making her seem even more out of place than she actually is. While 6’1 is fairly tall for a girl, I also don’t think it’s unheard of and would contribute to that much of someone’s life as it did for Jodie. 

Overall I would rate a 4/10.  The movie was entertaining and I wasn’t ever bored but I also didn’t find it exciting or revolutionary.


One thought on “Tallgirl (2019)”

  1. I like your end rating. I saw the movie too. Definetely think they could have made it more emotional and really actually pushed the point of tall girls and the struggles they go through. It was such a dramatic height that it was almost laughable, but it was entertaining and I did watch the whole movie. Looking forward to your next blogpost! Great job!

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