SolidWorks Projects

Introductory SolidWorks Project: Robot Assembly

Rendered Front View of Robot Assembly
Rendered Right View of Robot Assembly









This project allowed me to familiarize myself with various aspects and tools within SolidWorks. Week by week, I learned basic features such as extruding bases from sketches as well as filleting corners of an object, and by the end of the project I knew how to use complicated features such as loft, flex, helix, etc. Every class focused on designing a new part from a given dimension drawing. The project culminated with having to assemble all the parts to create the robot shown to the left.




SolidWorks Personal Project

Front View of Personal Project Design

Linked here is the write up for my SolidWorks personal project. Within it I discuss the inspiration of my design, the step by step process I took to create my model, the most difficult part about creating this design, and what I learned from the SolidWorks project. Also, the file has various images showing different views of the design and a dimension drawing as well.