In comparison to the fabrication required for project 1 and project 3, I found the fabrication for project 2 to be the most difficult. Troubleshooting the laser cutter to cut my file was very challenging. I had to make several file conversions and attempt to use the laser cutter more than once. I found the post production to be very time consuming as well. It was very tedious and time consuming to position each of the ten cardboard pieces perfectly to create the 3D object. After everything was said and done, I feel that the project turned out very well. The completed fabrication looks very creative. I learned a lot from the fabrication process, including technical computer skills required to fabricate with a laser cutter.
Laundry Detergent
My 3D laundry detergent model was created by using the form tool in Fusion 360, and traditional excursion of 2D sketches. The container was designed with the form tool, to achieve the unique shape of the container. A major challenge was creating the handle of the object. I did this by deleting material, and then using the bridge material to seal the hole. This took me many tries, as this process frequently resulted in errors. After I was done, the handle made this look like a very realistic laundry detergent container. The cap “pedestal” was made with two sketches and the loft tool, as the lid was created by an extrusion of one sketch. I also was able to practice my orthographic drawling skills by using paper and pencil to sketch these drawings. I am very impressed by my work.
Topo Transform Iteration
This iteration shows the progress that I am making by creating a 3d model of a gain laundry detergent container. I have a good overall rough detail of the object, but I still need to add a few more details such as body creases, a handle, and a cap. Once these objects are featured, this model will look more like an actual laundry detergent container. I believe that after my object is done being modeled, it will turn out very well as a sliced pice of cardboard.
Below is a real time progress update of my 3D model:
Sculpt and Slice
Above are documents and a screenshot of my concept 3d object, in the form of thinly sliced cardboard. This was done to gain practice in using fusion 360 to slice objects into a form that can be manufactured to create objects in the real world. I will not be printing out this version of the object, as I am not yet ready to create my final product.
Topo Transform Concept
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Nine Square Grid
The Nine Square Grid shows the basics of what Fusion 360 is capable of. As seen below I first made 5 basic cubes.
The cubes have very sharp edges, making them unrealistic. To fix this, I added small fillets to the corners of the cubes, and I modified the cubes for a better presentation.
The cubes take on a very unique shape and texture, creating a very abstract piece of 3D artwork.