Alphabet Synthesis

And for the finale, the animation piece has been created. Not only that, but I had used the letters from my alphabet to spell out my name in a headline kind of way. I had decided on this way of a headline as it doesn’t really follow the canvas and it feels really unique to me. As for my idea for my animation, I had decided on scrapping the concept idea for my animation and decided on using my poster image as the first stage of the animation. The animation piece is to have the letters of the alphabet be in a fluid and in motion with one another so that they are inseparable. If I had decided to animate the letters in other fashions, then I feel as though they won’t compliment one another and there would be too many things to look at on the image that would draw the viewers’ attention from one word to the next too quickly whereas I wanted everything to be uniformed and interesting to look at as a whole, not separate. Over all, I think this animation piece is simple, but effective for how I wanted it to look for the viewers. Hopefully, they would feel as though that the alphabet is one entire being, and not separate entities that are always different. 





Digital Archive with Animation:



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