3.3 Synthesis

The second to last project is finally… completed! From the concepts to the final result, it’s safe to say that I had many ideas and they were up in the air until I finally decided on making an illustration that was simple to make and very cute. I had spent a week trying to think Read More…

4.2 Exercise

Thus, in this final exercise, the students were to go through stages of an animator or something close to a movie director, and make a production folder. While I might not have a fully completed folder, I had gotten things such as storyboarding and concepts into a single phase, working more efficiently. It’s hard to Read More…

4.1 Reflect

In this reference exercise, the students will be learning about Adobe Premiere as a beginner  course for the upcoming project and understand some history of modeling. I was interested in knowing some things about Adobe Premiere because as a video editing software, I have some background knowledge about these sorts of softwares as I have Read More…

2.3 Synthesis

The finale, the work that has taken weeks in order to get done, has finally been finished! I had a lot of trouble trying to get my ideas from my concepts and plans into my page with intentions, but most of them, since they are concepts and “sketches”, had been scrapped off the page and Read More…