Year: 2019


I had the opportunity to see my first presidential candidate and listen to what he had to say. Unfortunately, I didn’t quite make it in time so I was stuck in the overflow room and didn’t get to hear him speak much, but the fact that I got to see someone from this walk of… Read more Beto


This topic is not like the others. I’ve been through one graduation before having graduated high school, but that only meant more schooling. Once I graduate college, thats it, I’m and adult. I have to get a job, go into the real world, and watch out for myself. I remember my high school graduation like… Read more Graduation


Both deliberations I attended opened my eyes to issues I didn’t really know much about to begin with. In my opinion, the deliberations were run very well when looking at the Gastil processes. For the deliberation that I attended, CAPS at Capacity, there was about 40 people that attended as it was the last one… Read more Deliberation


Being from the east coast, there really isn’t much of an opportunity to participate in one of the west coast’s most beloved activates: surfing. It honestly upsets me. Growing up I have always went to the beach as my family vacations, and there was just never waves big enough to even begin to try to… Read more Surfing


This topic is a little bit different than the other ones. It doesn’t involve an extreme activity with the potential of getting really hurt. Instead, during Thon you stand for 46 hours straight with no sleep and no sitting down. Just thinking about this I didn’t think I would get any type of adrenaline running… Read more Thon

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques is just a word used to group together controversial techniques like waterboarding and the such. In short, these techniques are systematic torture that in some cases beat, deprive the subjects of their basic necessities, and strip the prisoner of their human rights that every human possesses. For this blog, I’m going to… Read more Enhanced Interrogation Techniques