Category Archives: Blog Posts

Our Final Prototype

2/28/18- This evening we went to the shop and assembled our final prototype. We also completed  the report and team presentation. [...]

Ready for Assembly

2/22/18- We finished dimensions and cutting for all of the parts for our final prototype and we are now ready to assemble it. [...]

Almost There! 2/20/18

We changed the initial design model that we had in mind. We made the dimensions smaller so as to make it more transportable. We also were go [...]

Progress! 2/15/18

Today, we successfully sliced open two different wires. This displayed huge progress for our design as it proved that our blade is sufficien [...]

Analyzing Design Options

On Tuesday February 13th, we drafted the pros and cons for our design model and 2 alternative options. Then we created a PUGH Analysis to co [...]

Modifications Needed

support for the rotating wheel – build up to the pipe but leave small opening for the blade to spin adjustable height to accommodate d [...]

Solidworks Prototype

We began designing our first prototype on SolidWorks during Tuesday’s class. [...]

First Mock-up Designs

These are 4 of our initial mock-up designs for the project. [...]


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