TED Talk Outline

TED Outline Format

Oral Content

Topic: Child Protective Services

Purpose: To talk about the history of social services and how it came about

Thesis Statement: Child Protective Services have created an environment that protects children from neglect and abuse after ignorance of many instances of this maltreatment.


Attention Strategy/Orienting Material:  Story on 1stchild protective services case

– 10-year-old who lived on West 41st Street, in the Hell’s Kitchen section of Manhattan

-1874, no laws protecting children from physical abuse

-Mary Ellen physically abused by adoptive mother


  • Main Idea – Child Protective Services came about after the Mary Ellen case once recognized that there were no laws or agencies protecting children
    • Beginning and why it was created
    • What does it do (maybe funding)
  • Progression over time to it today
    • What is its role today
    • How does it impact child protection in todays society
  • Main Idea – What has social services done (the numbers
  • What type of victims
    • Age
    • Family relationships
  • Abuse
    • Types
    • how prevalent
  • Main Idea – The legacy of social services and how it impacts society
  • How has it helped in these cases
    • meaning in society
    • how its specifically helped in certain communities
  • What could be better
    • funding
    • resources/job outlook
    • ethnic neighborhoods


Concluding Remark –

Reference Page(s)


Visual Content

In this column, offer brief slide description and its function alongside the idea it is intended to support.

Slide One

Picture of Mary Ellen

Slide Two
Picture of CPS logo

Slide Three 

CPS stat 

Slide Four

CPS Stat

Slide Five

Picture of children helped