Monthly Archives: January 2014

Paper 1: Advertisements

Burger King advertisement
This ad uses the gender roles to show allude that Burger King’s burgers are manly.  It portrays the ideology that if you eat a Burger King burger, you will be in great shape.

Mighty Putty advertisement
This advertisement also uses gender roles to show that the product is for manly men.  It primarily uses logos persuade the audience.  It also shows families living the “American dream” in order to sell the product.


Live Longer and Healthier

It’s no secret that the choices we make on a day-to-day basis affect our long term health.  Living in a country with the highest health care costs, it is clear that the United States has a thing or two to learn about living a healthful lifestyle.  Simple changes in dietary selections and exercise can drastically reduce one’s risk of disease and increase longevity and overall livelihood.

Most Americans grow up accustomed to the western diet pattern, also called the meat-sweet diet.  This eating habit is common among highly developed countries because it is convenient in the fast-paced world we live in.  It revolves around the tendency to consume foods as products, rather than for their nutritional value.  We tend to eat what looks or smells appealing, often choosing fatty, artificially sweetened, processed foods.  This sort of dietary selection may satisfy a growling stomachs temporarily, but don’t be fooled.  These sorts of foods are made up of empty calories and that leave our bodies still starving for nutrition.  As a result, we become hungry again rather quickly.  This pattern leads to over-consumption, which is, not surprisingly, the primary cause of obesity and many health related illnesses.  Processed “empty calorie” foods leave your stomach full but your cells still hungry for nutrients.  After all, the reason we get hungry is because our bodies demand a refill of nutrition – vitamins, minerals, and energy.  The healthy solution to satisfying your hunger  is to choose foods based on their nutritional value.  Eating a healthier diet is a lot simpler than you’d think, literally.  Stick to basic and natural foods instead of complex, factory made products that are labeled as food.  You’ll find yourself feeling much more satisfied and energized after each meal.

A simple rule of thumb would be to select foods that have been touched by fewer hands.  It is the difference between selecting a side of french fries verses a baked sweet potato.  Fries are nutrient-leached slivers of greasy, fat saturated potato coated in salt, while a baked potato is a nutritious side loaded with Vitamin A and nutritious energy.  Making smarter eating choices can extend your life by many years, and increase your quality of life dramatically.  It can greatly reduce the risk of disease and make you feel overall more lively.

Passion Blog Ideas

  1. Health & Fitness:  This blog would be a compilation of ideas, tips, and new studies that promote healthful lifestyles.  I would write about the value of nutrition and exercise as a means to live a longer and healthier life.
  2. Music:  This blog would be an informational feed of new bands and artists of various genres.  In today’s day and age, the radio is no longer the only source to discover and listen to music.  I would post about up-and-coming talent in the world of music.