Category Archives: Passion

Best and Worst Foods to Eat When You’re Sick

The foods that you consume can have a strong impact on how fully and quickly you recover from sickness.  Whether you come down with a cold or the flu, your diet can have a distinctly positive or negative impact on your recovery.

The Best:

Soup.  Especially broth-based, soups contain an important amino acid known as cysteine.  This helps thin out mucus in the lungs and maintain moister in the nasal cavity.

Citrus Fruits.  All citrus fruits contain high quantities of vitamin C, an essential when it comes to combating sickness, especially the cold.  Lemons, grapefruits, oranges, and limes contain flavonoids which boost your immune system.

Spicy Foods.  These eye-watering foods are natural decongestants.  Eat chili peppers, wasabi, or horseradish (yum) to relive congestion symptoms.

Vitamins. Vitamins are important to anyone who does not consume enough daily fruits and vegetables.  If you do eat enough fruits and veggies each day, then a multivitamin still couldn’t hurt.

The Worst:

Anything High in Fat or Sugar.  Keep fast food, candy, and dessert items off your plate if you are trying to make a timely and effective recovery from your sickness.  These foods are difficult to digest and can suppress the immune system as well as cause inflammation.

Dairy. Though dairy products are important to one’s long-term diet, consuming large amounts of dairy while sick can actually increase your symptoms.  Milk-based products promote mucus production, which can worsen your congestion.

It is important to note that the body requires a greater caloric intake to recover from sickness effectively.  Especially when you have a fever or infection, your body needs more food to fuel the internal battle.  Also, hydration is especially important when you’re sick.  Keep your energy levels up with healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of sleep to get better as quickly as possible.   

Satisfy Your Spring Fever

The climate is warming, the birds are chirping, and the outdoors are calling.  Spring is finally showing its green colors and sunny skies after a long and bitter winter.   So don’t hold back, embrace your spring fever and get outside in the sun.  It will benefit you in more ways than you may think:

Vitamin D:  Spending time outside and in the sun actually allows you to absorb this valuable vitamin.  This can help protect against future bone problems, diabetes, heart disease, and many other health issues.

Vision:  Believe it or not, spending time outside can decrease your chances of becoming nearsighted.  By exercising your long distance vision, you actually strengthen it.

Exercise:  One of the more recognized benefits from being outside is the exercise that the outdoors often coincides with.  Do whatever: play Frisbee, go for a run, take a walk, or anything to get your heart rate up and expend some energy.

The Mind:  Studies have also proven that exposure to nature can reduce ADHD symptoms and improve one’s ability to focus.  Spending time outdoors can improve critical thinking skills which translates to students’ performances in school.

The Spirit:  We all know that being outside can help clear your mind and ease your stresses, and there is also science to back this up.  Being outdoors can release endorphin which promotes longevity and optimistic perspective.  Stress levels have been proven to fall significantly after just minutes of being exposed to a green environment.

Try to take full advantage of the nice weather that we are expecting over the next couple weeks here at Penn State.  Spend a few hours each day out in the fresh air.  Hike Mount Nittany, throw a football, play cricket, hopscotch, whatever.  Even if you are too swamped with schoolwork to get outside and have fun, try taking your notes or homework outside – the outdoor environment may just provide the mental boost that your studying needs.

Some of the Best Foods For You

We are all faced with daily decisions on what foods we should eat.  It is important to know the benefits and consequences of eating certain foods.  But what really are the best foods out there with the greatest benefits?

Sweet potatoes. These vegetables are loaded with carotenoids.  They also offer a lower carbohydrate alternative to the yellow potato.  Sweet potatoes offer an excellent source of Vitamin C and are a common ingredient in healthy foods such as sweet potato pancakes.

Mangoes.  These delicious tropical fruits offer a delicious source of energy and nutrition.  In fact, one cup of mango offers 100% of a daily requirement of Vitamin C and a large amount of Vitamin A.  One of the greatest things about mangoes is that they are unlikely to contain large traces of pesticides.

Greek yogurt.  Get plain if you can.  Plain Greek yogurt offers an excellent source of protein and calcium, with zero fat and zero sugar.  Each serving of Greek yogurt is guaranteed to fill you up and leave you a healthier person.

Broccoli. I know you hate it.  But eat it anyway.   Broccoli is loaded with Vitamin C and Vitamin K.  It also is loaded with a rare nutrient known as folic acid.

Salmon.  Another great  source of protein, salmon is a low fat and delicious alternative to traditional meats.  Salmon also offers omega-3 fatty acids.  If you consume wild salmon, it contains low levels of PCB which is also better for your health.

Watermelon. A delicious source of nutrients and hydration, watermelon is a fundamental food to include in anyone’s diet.  Watermelon contains large quantities of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, making it a great fruit to add to you fruit salad or enjoy on a hot summer day.


A Fishy Solution

Doctors and researchers speculate that taking a daily dietary supplement known as fish oil can have profoundly beneficial effects on one’s health.  Studies suggest that fish oil not only can improve one’s physical health, but also one’s mental health.  This cheap (as inexpensive as $0.07 per pill) supplement can be taken much like a multivitamin – one pill per day – with 3 or 4 grams of fish oil per pill.

One of the most prominent effects of fish oil on human bodily functions is its effect on protein.  Consuming fish oil daily is linked to increased rates of protein synthesis, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems and facilitates muscle growth.  This is due to two omega-3’s present in fish oil: DHA and EPA.  Furthermore, fish oil supplementation can  decrease the rate that the body breaks down protein.

The omega-3’s found in fish oil also are proven to increase one’s metabolic rate.  An increased metabolic rate essentially means that one burns more energy naturally, which can assist weight loss.  Fish oil also changes the cellular membrane compositions, improving nutrient delivery to cells.  This can lead to an overall healthier human body.

Consuming fish oil supplements daily can improve brain health by further developing the brain and coordination, as well as improving one’s overall mood.  Mothers who consume fish oil regularly while pregnant  typically have children with improved hand and eye coordination.

So, can’t you get fish oil naturally from simply eating fish instead of supplementing with pills?
Yes and no.  Fish oil is found naturally in fish livers.  However, one would have to consume a large amount of fish to get enough oil to fully benefit.  Such a large amount of fish would result in dangerous levels of mercury.  But not to worry; supplementing with fish oil pills is cheap and effective.  So what are you waiting for?

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

Protein is an essential part of everyone’s diet.  It helps build, maintain, and repair muscle tissue, as well as preform many essential functions within the body.  However, required protein intake varies greatly from person to person.  Individuals with small body frames who exercise scarcely require just a fraction of the protein that large and active people require.   That being said, most people require at least 50 grams of protein per day for basic body and muscle maintenance.

After working out, people often immediately down a shake with multiple scoops of whey protein powder (often upwards of 50 grams of protein), thinking the more protein the better.  This is not necessarily the case.  Studies have shown that even after a strenuous workout, the body can only benefit from up to 20-25 grams of protein at a time.  The excess protein that most people consume after going to the gym reaps a negligible benefits.

Another misconception is that if you are attempting to build muscle or strength, you need protein powder.  This is a false claim.  Sure, protein powder is a convenient source of protein in a pinch, but there are plenty of other protein-dense alternatives.  Take milk, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and almonds for example.  Each of these foods, as well as many more, have upwards of 6 grams of protein per serving.  They are also packed with other nutrients that help the body repair muscle tissue.

Studies have suggested that nutrition is actually more important that sheer protein intake when it comes to muscle growth.  This is because the body responds best to muscle repair when in an ideal, nutrient-rich environment.  Instead of downing 50 grams of protein in a shake right after a workout, try focusing on the types of foods you eat throughout the day an try to incorporate high-protein, natural foods as your primary source of protein.

Superfoods – More Common Than You’d Think

While many people turn to drugs or chemicals to combat illness and diseases, there are much simpler, more natural alternatives.  In specific, certain foods called superfoods  can reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease.   They also effectively lower your cholesterol levels.   Unlike drugs and chemicals that do similar things, superfoods have no health side effects.

One of the most well-known superfoods is blueberries.  These small berries are packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids.  They also contain high concentrations of vitamins, such as vitamin C.  Blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties that can sooth soreness and discomfort associated with inflammation.

Multigrain oatmeal serves as a great source of complex, slow digesting carbohydrates that promote long term energy.  Oatmeal also contains a rare nutrient known as beta glucan.  This is a specific type of fiber that increases the production of appetite controlling hormones called PYY.

Garlic and Onions
Both garlic and onions are part of the allium family.  They contain traces of organosulfur, a compound that is linked with cancer protection.  Red and purple onions have more health benefits than white onions.  Darker onions contain higher concentrations of anthocyanins.

Don’t underestimate these commonplace fruits.  They are loaded with potassium, a highly studied nutrient that lowers blood pressure.  Bananas also are an excellent source of magnesium which serves an integral role in many body functions.

Almonds and Nuts
Almonds are a delicious snack with healthy fats and protein.  They also contain hunger-controlling fibers.  Their antioxidant content is nearly unmatched (some studies report that almonds are as loaded with antioxidants as berries).

 Beans and Peas
Beans and peas are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and fiber.  They also contain high concentrations of protein and iron.  Black beans are particularly packed with these nutrients.

Try to include some of these superfoods in your diet daily to enjoy delicious and nutritious health benefits!

Delicious Foods that Increase Longevity

Recent research has determined that consumption an antioxidant chemical that is often found in plants, called polyphenolscan help extend life expectancy.  In fact, up to a 30 percent increase in longevity can be attributed to including this antioxidant in one’s diet.  Polyphenols are linked to reducing commonly fatal diseases, such as diabetes and cancer.   When people consume around five servings of  these antioxidants per day, they reap the full benefits.  Don’t worry — polyphenols are easier to come by than you would think — they are present in a variety of foods that most people already consume.

Though polyphenols are found in dark green veggies such as raw broccoli, there are plenty of tastier alternatives.  Dark chocolate, blueberries, olives, plums, and pistachios are tasty foods packed with this life-extending antioxidant.  Try incorporating a serving of two of these sort of foods with each meal.  Another simple way to reap the benefits of this healthy antioxidant is to drink a cup or two of green tea, coffee, or red wine each day.  Also, red onions, pecans, and white wine contain polyphenols, but in smaller quantities.  It is important to consume these foods in their raw form, as to avoid contaminating the natural benefits of their antioxidants.  Frying, concentrating, and artificially sweetening these foods can alter their chemical makeup and deplete valuable health benefits.

Living healthily doesn’t always mean stuffing yourself with greens and strictly avoiding sweets.  Just keep in mind that moderation is always a key component to living healthily.  Scarfing down 5 Twix bars to and a bottle of red wine each day is certainly not a step toward living longer and healthier.  Pay close attention to all of the benefits and drawbacks of foods before you consume them.  Try to balance certain elements of nutriton to promote health in the long term.

Organic Foods

Although eating fruits and vegetables and the said to be healthy products that we indulge ourselves with on the daily is important, what is more important is what kind of fruits and veggies, etc. we put in our bodies. Specifically we need organic, non genetically modified food. Why you may ask, let us examine the facts. Over the last century we have experienced something incredible, kids who are healthy who eat regularly on foods that have been told were good for them, get cancer, they grow up faster, taller, and unhealthily. We are creating foods that genetically are modifying our children and ourselves from the inside out. I always like to live by the motto, “You are what you eat”, and we are eating altered foods, foods made to be bigger, juicier, easier to make, easy to profit from. One of the biggest problems we face today in health, is not eating organic grass fed beef. We are eating meat that has been eating corn, and unnatural foods to fatten it up. How are we supposed to gain vital nutrients when the food we eat itself is not being provided with vital nutrients. We are eating ourselves to death, or more to cancer. We have been “educated” to believe that just eating meat, veggies, and fruits will make us healthy, however we were “educated” wrong. We have been fooled, we have been duped. Genetically modified animals and vegetables have so little studies done of them that we do not even know the true effects they will have on our bodies in years to come. Organically grown foods do not only benefit our bodies but the environment, growing food organically does not ruin the soil we use, it does not destroy it with pesticides and hormones. The animals we eat are not injected with hormones to make them fat, they are fed with what they were created to eat, in turn giving us the vital nutrients our bodies need to maintain a healthy and stable environment. Eat healthy, but understand what healthy really means.


The Sweetest Killer

A common ingredient and hidden killer, sugar is destroying your body from the inside out.  If you are like the average american young adult, you consume an average of 34 teaspoons of sugar per day, compared to the recommended limit of 9 teaspoons per day.  Sugar comes in a variety of forms that many of us are unaware of.  Food labels undermine the true sugar content present in most foods. The body turns carbohydrates into forms of sugar once they enter the body.  Therefore, when you consume large quantities of carbohydrates, found in foods like pasta and white bread, you are consuming much more sugar than indicated on the food label.  It’s best to stick to complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal and whole wheat bread, because these products provide long term energy rather than short term sugar and insulin spikes.

But why is sugar so bad anyways?
In small quantities, it’s not.  But with the quantities that most people consume, there are a number of associated health risks.  Firstly and most obviously, it’s bad for your teeth.  Sugar also has no nutritional benefit, and is simply “empty calories”.  When sugar intake is too high, the excess sugar turns into fat in the liver. This can lead to many complications such as diabetes.  Still not convinced?  Cancer is another complication that often results from the over-consumption of sugar.

You are are walking up to the drink fountain and you’re deciding between Coca Cola, apple juice, and iced tea.  Which should you pick? Well, whichever drink you decide on, you’re wrong.  

Pictured here is an array of commercial beverages and their respective sugar contents.

Next time, do your body a favor and choose water.

So it’s still safe to depend on “sugar-free” diet colas and artificial sweeteners like Splenda to sweeten my food and drinks, right?
Wrong.  The agent at the heart of most artificial sweeteners, aspartame, is more dangerous than sugar itself.  Aspartame is linked to many serious diseases and illnesses, and often facilitates weight gain.  You are better off buying food plain or unsweetened then adding small increments of sugar to you taste.  This way, you can control your sugar intake instead of falling victim to the commercial food industry.   Try sweetening your food with honey or maple syrup rather than pure sugar or artificial sweeteners.

But seriously, switch to water.

Live Longer and Healthier

It’s no secret that the choices we make on a day-to-day basis affect our long term health.  Living in a country with the highest health care costs, it is clear that the United States has a thing or two to learn about living a healthful lifestyle.  Simple changes in dietary selections and exercise can drastically reduce one’s risk of disease and increase longevity and overall livelihood.

Most Americans grow up accustomed to the western diet pattern, also called the meat-sweet diet.  This eating habit is common among highly developed countries because it is convenient in the fast-paced world we live in.  It revolves around the tendency to consume foods as products, rather than for their nutritional value.  We tend to eat what looks or smells appealing, often choosing fatty, artificially sweetened, processed foods.  This sort of dietary selection may satisfy a growling stomachs temporarily, but don’t be fooled.  These sorts of foods are made up of empty calories and that leave our bodies still starving for nutrition.  As a result, we become hungry again rather quickly.  This pattern leads to over-consumption, which is, not surprisingly, the primary cause of obesity and many health related illnesses.  Processed “empty calorie” foods leave your stomach full but your cells still hungry for nutrients.  After all, the reason we get hungry is because our bodies demand a refill of nutrition – vitamins, minerals, and energy.  The healthy solution to satisfying your hunger  is to choose foods based on their nutritional value.  Eating a healthier diet is a lot simpler than you’d think, literally.  Stick to basic and natural foods instead of complex, factory made products that are labeled as food.  You’ll find yourself feeling much more satisfied and energized after each meal.

A simple rule of thumb would be to select foods that have been touched by fewer hands.  It is the difference between selecting a side of french fries verses a baked sweet potato.  Fries are nutrient-leached slivers of greasy, fat saturated potato coated in salt, while a baked potato is a nutritious side loaded with Vitamin A and nutritious energy.  Making smarter eating choices can extend your life by many years, and increase your quality of life dramatically.  It can greatly reduce the risk of disease and make you feel overall more lively.