Papers in peer-reviewed journals

Song, J. (forthcoming). Redesigning a foreign language class based on the community of inquiry model: Students’ learning success and satisfaction with an online course. The Korean Language in America. 25(1).

Song, J. (2020). The effects of a short-term study abroad program on developing students’ intercultural competence and oral proficiency. Linguistic Research, 37 (Special edition), 1-29. [Link]

Yu, Li-Tang , Song, J & Chiu, Fu-Yuan. (2020). Using a Three-Dimension Virtual World to Enhance EFL University Learners’ English Speaking Performance: A Collaborative Project. Taiwanese Journal of TESOL, 17(2). [Link]

Lee, J. & Song, J. (2020). The impact of group composition and task design on foreign language learners’ interactions in mobile-based intercultural exchanges. ReCALL, 32(1), 63-84. [Link]

Song, J. (2019). Enhancing intercultural competence with 360-degree virtual reality videos. The Korean Language in America, 23(1), 84-97. [Link]

Lee, J. & Song, J. (2019). Comparing the impacts of telecollaboration and study-abroad programs on students’ intercultural competence. Language Learning and Technology, 23(3), 178-198. [Link]

Song, J. (2018). Examining the relationships among foreign language reading anxiety, reading processing, and reading comprehension. Foreign Languages Education, 25(2), 83-113. [Link]

Song, J. & Sardegna, V. (2014). The incidental acquisition of prepositions through enhanced extensive reading instruction. The RELC Journal, 45(1), 67-84.[Link]

Book chapter

Song, J. (2022). Instructional technology in Korean as a second language settings. In A S. Byon & D O. Pyun (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Korean as a Second Language. Routledge.

Song, J. & Hsu, W.-L. (2021). Design and implementation of a classroom-based virtual reality assessment. In M R. Salaberry &  A R. Burch (Eds). Assessing Speaking in Context: Expanding the construct and its applications. Multilingual Matters. [Link]


Kyung Hee University Textbook Publishing Team. (2019). Beginning Korean 2. Seoul: Kyung Hee University.

Papers in refereed conference proceedings

Song, J. (2019). The effects of test takers’ language proficiency on their role-play tasks and face validity in a Virtual Reality interactive speaking assessment. Proceedings of the International Association for Korean Language Education. Seoul, Korea (pp. 627-636).

Yu, L. T., Song, J., Resta, P., Chiu, F. Y., & Jang, J. (2013). Second language learning in a virtual world: A study of a trans-national collaborative language learning experiences. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (pp. 1155-1157). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Book review

Song, J. (2013). Review of Ekbatani, Glayol. (2012). Measurement and evaluation in post-secondary ESL. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor and Fransis Group. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 16(4).

Journal Articles/Book chapters Under Review

Song, J. & Lee, J. (under review). Foreign language learning during the Covid-19 pandemic: Comparing the relationships among motivation, presence, and satisfaction in synchronous and asynchronous online learning modes.

Lim, K. Song, J. & Park, J. (under review). Neural automated writing evaluation for Korean L2 writing.

Song, J. (under review). Instructional technology in Korean as a second language settings. The Routledge Handbook of Korean as a Second Language.

Song, J. (under review). Comparing face-to-face and virtual world oral assessments.



©2021 Jayoung Song