My research is motivated by my years of experience in teaching Korean. By mentoring and teaching Korean language learners, I became interested in why some learners are successful in language learning while others struggle and how to better help these learners develop language competence. Given this, my action research aims at contributing to the second language acquisition theory and practices through developing effective instructional practices. I have interests in four areas: 1) second language learning via technology, 2) curriculum design to develop learners’ intercultural competence, 3) language assessment, and 4) second language reading.

Research Grants and Program Donation

Year Role Name and Source Purpose Amount
2021 PI Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Transformation and Innovation Grant Virtual reality for accessibility and diversity $5,166
2020-2023 Co-PI Academy of Korean Studies Seed program for Korean Studies 159,000,000 KRW
2020 PI Academy of Korean Studies Exploring the effects of using VR and AR on developing Korean language learners’ intercultural communicative competence $22,000
2019 PI Brown Teaching Grant From virtual reality to real life inquiry $2,750
2018 PI SK Innovation Donation Developing and managing Korean-related programs $50,000
2018 PI Brown Teaching Grant  Developing assessment tools using virtual reality $5,000
2018 PI Undergraduate Research Assistance Grant Hiring a research assistant for collecting and analyzing research data $3,000
2018 PI Course Development Grant From a virtual reality to real-life inquiry $1,500
2017 PI SK Innovation Donation Establishing Rice-in-Korea program scholarship $50,000
2017 PI Brown Teaching Grant Integrating mobile-based telecollaboration into foreign language curriculum $5,000
2017 PI Teaching Innovation Fund Integrating virtual reality into foreign language curriculum $5,527
2017 PI CLIC Summer Grant Developing authentic Korean language and culture data $5,000
2014 PI Doctoral Research Grant from Educational Testing Service Small grants for doctoral research in second or foreign language assessment $2,000

[Second Language Learning via Technology]

[Curricula initiatives to develop learners’ intercultural competence]

  • The impacts of a short-term study abroad program on developing students’ intercultural competence
  • Comparing the impacts of telecollaboration and study-abroad programs on learners’ intercultural competence
  • The impact of group composition and task design on foreign language learners’ interactions in mobile-based intercultural exchanges

[Language assessment]

  • Using virtual reality to assess L2 oral ability
  • The effects of test takers’ language proficiency on their role-play tasks and face validity in a virtual reality interactive speaking assessment
  • Comparing face-to-face and virtual world group oral tests

[Second language reading]

  • Examining the relationships among foreign language reading anxiety, reading processing, and reading comprehension
  • The incidental acquisition of prepositions through enhanced extensive reading instruction 
  • The effects of anxiety on Korean ESL learners’ reading strategy use and comprehension and reading comprehension

©2021 Jayoung Song