ABC network’s hit TV series Modern Family chronicles the lives of three families who make up one one big joint family. The series is presented in mockumentary style, with the fictional characters frequently talking directly into the camera. The series premiered on September 23, 2009 and is stilling running with a strong fan base. Modern Family revolves around three different types of families living in the Los Angeles area who are interrelated through Jay Pritchett and his children, Claire Dunphy and Mitchell Pritchett. Each of the families represent the changing family dynamic in today’s society.
- Nuclear Family- is married to Phil Dunphy, a realtor and self-assessed cool Dad. They have three children, Haley Dunphy, a stereotypical ditzy teenage girl, Alex Dunphy, a nerdy, smart middle child, and Luke Dunphy, the clueless only son.
- Same Sex- Mitchell and his husband Cameron Tucker have one daughter, Lily Tucker-Pritchett. As the name suggests, this family represents a modern-day family and episodes are comically based on situations which many families encounter in real life.
- Age related marriages- Jay is remarried to a much younger woman, Gloria Delgado Pritchett (née Ramirez), a passionate Colombian with whom he has an infant son, Fulgencio (Joe) Pritchett, and a son from Gloria’s previous marriage, Manny Delgado.
It’s hard to pinpoint how much entertainment ever drives society rather than merely reflecting it. However, at the same time, it’s hard to not notice a correlation with how the emergence of new TV series coincides with a cultural phenomena.
One of the families on the show include Cam and Mitch, a gay couple living together with an adopted daughter, Lily. The couple wasn’t married when the show began because California’s Proposition 8 prohibited them and when they finally got married 10 million viewers were glued to the screen to see how Cam and Mitch navigate the challenges of being in a long term relationship. A 2012 Hollywood Reporter poll found that 27 percent of likely voters said that depictions of gay characters on TV made them more pro-gay marriage, and there are news accounts of people crediting their newfound sympathy toward gay people to Modern Family. While co creator, Christopher Lloyd, voiced his opinion that the show was never meant to be political or have a cultural influence, it panders to the audiences’ emotions.
Modern Family deals with real and raw emotions about the centered around the struggles of raising children and the childrens’ transition into adolescence. Maybe it’s these familial commonplaces that attracts its audiences and critical acclaim. It’s revealed that it’s the third most popular show among Republicans. Republicans cite it’s appeal because of its “conservative vision” (whatever than means).
The show also embraces the growing attraction to technology and communication among family members. One episode literally only takes place on Claire’s computer screen as she tries to solve a problem with her family from her computer.
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