Greenpeace Global Warming Ad

This message is an attempt to represent the harmful effects and present danger of global warming. This image was released by Greenpeace as an advertisement in order to make more people aware of their cause and recognize that something should be done to prevent global warming.

Perhaps the most noticeable part of this picture is the color of the polar bear’s fur. Polar bears are easily distinguishable from other bears because of their iconic white coloring. However, this bear’s fur appears to be turning brown, slowly encompassing him and making him resemble a different species. This artistic choice can be interpreted in two ways: the disappearance of the polar bear’s white fur mirrors the melting ice in the arctic caused by global warming or it represents the extinction of the species if global warming continues (the polar bear’s identity as an individual, differentiated by its white fur, is fading away). Either way, it is a powerful way for Greenpeace to get their purpose across.

This photo also makes the cause of the change in the polar bear’s fur clear by highlighting the top of the bear’s form with bright sunlight. The brown portion of its back even appears to glow somewhat, suggesting that it is hot. The brightness and implied heat emphasize a warmth juxtaposing the cold, icy environment. With this choice, Greenpeace is asserting that the melting ice caps and disappearance of polar bears and their home is caused by the increase in temperature.

To show the urgency surrounding this issue, the polar bear is shown standing on a tiny piece of ice, barely large enough to stand on. The ice around it is broken up into even smaller pieces, leaving the bear with nowhere to go. Its life is in extreme danger because of global warming’s effect on its habitat. This rhetorical choice emphasizes the clear and present danger that polar bears and all other arctic animals face.

2 thoughts on “Greenpeace Global Warming Ad

  1. I find this ad very interesting, and I think you did a great job analyzing it. I don’t think I would have caught the second representation of the bear’s changing fur color, where it represents the extinction of the species itself. I also don’t think I would have caught that the sunlight is pretty much only highlighting the brown fur. Overall, I think that this ad sends a powerful message and your analysis was very thorough!

  2. This is a very good post that discusses an important and prevalent topic. You did a great job of analyzing the image. The effects of global warming are becoming more and more severe each day and the image you show clearly shows this issue. I REALLY loved this post! Good job!

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