Rhetorical Essay Introduction & First Draft of Speech Outline

Civic Artifact: Karl Marx’s Communist Manifest

Rhetorical Essay Introduction:

To what extent is equality worth fighting for? Socioeconomic inequality has been present throughout human history. With the rise of capitalism growing in the mid-19th century the gap between classes grew, leaving the lower class with poor working conditions, low pay, and little ability to make a change in society. Communism served as the means to eliminate class separation and Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto sparked the fire that sent shockwaves of ideas of communism and revolution throughout the lower class of Europe. After being commissioned by the Communist League to write a pamphlet summarizing their beliefs, Marx not only did so brilliantly but also overcome barriers of trust due to being foreign as well as educational barriers by targeting union leaders and by making the language easy for a lower class, uneducated person to understand. By conducting close textual analysis, it is evident that Marx mobilized the Communist Manifesto to impact the way the lower class viewed the structure of society in favor of communism, by emphasizing his and communism’s credibility through ethos, utilizing logos to paint the picture of communism to the commonfolk, and exploited pathos to draw emotion and call for revolution across Europe.


Speech Outline:


  • Hook – Rhetorical question – Possibly: “To what extent is equality worth fighting for?”
  • Rhetorical Context
    • Exigence
      • Rise of capitalism led to widespread inequality in Europe
      • Poor treatment of lower class
      • Civil unrest – communist ideas were spreading
    • Audience
      • Lower class in Western Europe
      • Union leaders
    • Constraints
      • Limited to people who could read
        • Relatively low levels of literacy
      • Marx is foreign
        • Foreigners looked down upon
        • Had to build trust
  • Lenses
    • Close textual analysis
      • Break down the text into smaller claims
        • Ways of establishing trust
          • Ethos
          • Logos
          • Pathos
  • Thesis
    • By conducting close textual analysis, it is evident that Marx mobilized the Communist Manifesto to impact the way the lower class viewed the structure of society in favor of communism, by emphasizing his and communism’s credibility through ethos, utilizing logos to paint the picture of communism to the commonfolk, and exploited pathos to draw emotion and call for revolution across Europe.

Body of the Speech

  • Communism is foreign, but trustworthy and powerful
    • Ethos
      • Builds credibility by describing communism’s strength and support
  • Communism embodies a more equal society than capitalism
    •  Logos
      • Paints a picture of communism and how it functions so that it can easily be understood
      • Explains the pitfalls of capitalism
  • Capitalism will ultimately fail, and inequality is widespread, so revolution must come immediately
    • Pathos
      • Draws on frustration and anger of the lower class to call for revolution


  • Marx utilized ethos, logos, and pathos to influence the way that the lower class viewed the structure of society.
    • He criticizes capitalism while explaining communism, draws on emotion, and calls for revolution across Europe
  • Perfectly framed the civic
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Culture and Qatar

Every four years the World Cup is hosted in a country different from its previous host country. Each country is so vastly different from one another, so it is important to adapt to the cultural norms of the host country that is welcoming fans from around the world. This is especially important this year with Qatar being the first Middle Eastern country to host the World Cup. With such big differences in cultural expectations, it is important to understand and respect the culture of Qatar before visiting there for the World Cup.

Qatar’s presence and deep history in the Middle East are rooted in Islam and with that comes norms and expectations that need to be understood and followed. Firstly, homosexuality is prohibited by law. As someone from the United States, this obviously seems wrong and is a reason that some people are boycotting the World Cup, but this is something that needs to be understood so getting in legal trouble can be avoided. Speaking of legal trouble, there are many other laws and regulations that should be understood before arriving in Qatar. One is that you can be arrested and imprisoned for criticizing the Emir (monarch) of Qatar. So, no matter how much you don’t support his rulings, avoid speaking about politics, especially any criticisms of him. Additionally, to the disappointment of many fans, alcohol is not tolerated in public. It is only served in licensed hotels and bars and will likely be very expensive as it is against the Islamic religion. Pork is also something that won’t be available in Qatar due to its consumption conflicting with the Islamic faith (Cultural Behavior Guide 2022).

Although you won’t be arrested for it, cultural norms are also something that needs to be followed while in Qatar. No matter how tempting it may be to wear clothing that exposes large portions of skin in the heat, it is important to dress to fit the customs of Qatar. You do not need to wear typical Qatari clothing, but the dress code is conservative. This means that both shoulders and knees should be covered by clothing for both genders. Additionally, like Western culture, manners should always be followed.

Like a fingerprint, Qatar is unique and needs to be understood and respected

So, with such a drastic shift in cultural norms, what should you do? It is important to drink a lot of water and to wear thin clothes. Although the clothes must cover your skin, they will help keep the sun off of you and if you chose thin clothes, they would keep you cool. As for alcohol, stick to drinking in designated places and do not become intoxicated. Overall, it is better to avoid drinking alcohol when possible. Furthermore, it is important to be polite to all Qataris and traveling fans. Do not stare, be polite, and avoid taking pictures of anyone without their permission. The Qatar World Cup will be a great experience with new cultures to learn from and some great games to watch. So as long as you learn about the culture in Qatar and have respect for everyone involved, the World Cup will be a great experience!


Works Cited

“Cultural Behavior Guide.” Qatar World Cup 2022, 23 June 2022, www.qatarwc2022.com/cultural-behavior-guide/.