Unit 2 Project Sources

Although I haven’t delivered my paradigm pitch elevator pitch yet, I have a good idea of where I am going to go with my outline and thesis. For some background, I am going to discuss the paradigm shift in corporate social responsibility. In the beginning I will touch on the lack of corporate social responsibility, including the environmental impacts as well as the complete lack of ethics in terms of taking advantage of employees and society. I then will define the shift as pivoting in 1971 when Howard Bowen proposed the idea of corporate social responsibility at the Committee for Economic Development. Then, I will discuss the shift that corporations made in becoming more socially responsible.

Due to the nature of this project as well as my topic, my essay is going to be very research heavy as well as include many statistics. Below I am going to discuss two different sources that I found that could be useful in my arguments.

Source one is titled, “EVOLUTION OF BUSINESS ETHICS: FROM GENERAL PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES TO CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.” This source is a peer reviewed journal, and it aligns with the same line of thinking that I am planning for my essay. This article primarily takes social responsibility as an ideology throughout human history and highlights the transition to corporate social responsibility. This source will likely come into my argument by supporting the specific point I chose as the shift. I think that the information in this text will help me underscore the ideological shift that will in turn justify the tangible shift in corporate social responsibility.

Source two is titled, “HOW CAN WE SEE THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY WITHIN ITS APPLICATION IN BUSINESS PRACTICE?” This source is also a peer reviewed journal. This source will be used in the latter half of my essay as it highlights the results of my paradigm shift. It does a great job of utilizing statistics and charts, which are things that I want to implement in my essay. Overall, this will definitely be a source that I use for my essay as it has a different perspective to my own ideas, but also supports my line of thinking.

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