Month: April 2020

The Freeway Killer

Between 1979 and 1980, 14 teenage boys were kidnapped (not at the same time), robbed, raped and killed throughout several California counties.

The first one to go missing, on August 5, 1979, was 17 year old Marcus Grabs, a white, German student on a backpacking tour around the United States. Marcus was sodomized, beaten and stabbed 77 times. His nude body was found the next day beside a road in Malibu, with an orange nylon cord loosely wrapped behind his head and a piece of ignition wire around one of his ankles.

22 days later. at 1 am., Donald Hyden, 15, was picked up near the Gay Community Services Center in Los Angeles. His body was found at 11 a.m. near Liberty Canyon and the off ramp of the Ventura Freeway. Donald had been strangled by ligature and stabbed. He had been sodomized and it appeared that attempts had been made to cut off his testicles and slash his throat.

Obviously, these killings were extremely brutal, and unfortunately were committed against all of these boys even reaching the young age of 12, one of which was on his way to Disneyland. For this reason, I will assume you, the reader, understand the extremity of these circumstances and if you wish, you can research the rest of these victims, but I will not include these gruesome, awful details, for which most of it I have no words.

At this point, after finding several people of the same victimology and wounds, California police were trying to build a profile of the person taking these young boys. Specialized departments determined that the killer must be male, as a female would not typically have a victimology matching young boys and also be able to overpower them, as well as commit such disgusting acts against them. In an earlier post, I illustrated the fact that typically woman serial killers will kill their victims in a discrete, cleanly manner rather than butchering the bodies. These profilers also determined that the killer may be a frustrated, internally-homophobic gay man, as he targeted boys outside of LGBT+ community centers, and sodomized their bodies.

Unfortunately, four other men agreed to help this disgusting human being hurt these young boys. One of which was the sole reason that this despicable man was caught. William Pugh, considered a co-defendant in the case, was arrested for Auto-Theft charges on May 29, 1980. At this point, thought it is unclear, it can be assumed that Pugh was asked questions about these murders and if he knew anything. He told detectives that he had accepted a ride home from a party with the murderer, who had talked about killing young boys. The defendant was placed under surveillance beginning June 2, 1980.

At this point, William George Bonin’s name was brought up, and he had finally reached the end of his heinous killings. On June 11, 1980, his van was followed to Hollywood. He was observed talking to five different young men standing on street corners before 15-year-old Harold T. entered his van. Bonin parked the van, with Harold still inside, in a vacant lot on Santa Monica Boulevard. Despite Harold’s resistance, the Bonin orally copulated him. Shortly thereafter, Bonin was apprehended in the act of raping and sodomizing Harold. The police found a length of white nylon cord and three knives in the van.

William Bonin. this week in california history | California History

Under California law, a murder committed under “special circumstances” — accompanied by robbery, torture, or rape — may be punished by death. In December, Bonin’s playmates began cracking, pleading guilty on various felony charges and drawing life sentences in return for their promise of testimony against Bonin. They spelled out details of the torture suffered by assorted “freeway” victims, and the glee with which Bonin inflicted pain. As one remarked, “Bill said he loved those sounds of screams.”

I will not go into detail of William George Bonin’s life, as I do not believe that he deserves that kind of recognition or fame, even if it is for a bad reason. Again, feel free to research about this case as much as you wish, especially here.

Inmate Bonin was executed February 23, 1996 in the execution chamber at San Quentin State Prison. Bonin was the first California inmate to be executed by lethal injection.

The victims of Bonin’s crimes include:

(Race/Sex/Age at Murder)
Date of
 Marcus Grabs – W / M / 17 08-05-79
Donald Hyden – W / M / 15 08-27-79
David Murillo – W / M / 17 09-09-79
Dennis Frank Fox – W / M / 17 12-02-79
Charles Miranda – W / M / 15 02-03-80
James McCabe – W / M / 12 02-03-80
Ronald Gatlin – W / M / 19 03-14-80
Harry Todd Turner – W / M / 14 03-20-80
 Russell Rugh – W / M / 15 03-22-80
Glenn Barker – W / M / 14 03-22-80
Steven Wood – W / M / 16 04-10-80
Darin Lee Kendrick – W / M / 19 04-29-80
Lawrence Sharp – W / M / 17 05-18-80
 Steven Jay Wells – W / M / 18 06-02-80

This chart included the method of murder, but out of respect for the families, I omitted that information.

The Park Plaza Hotel Killer

The Park Plaza Hotel was a hotel, housing mostly widows, in New York City, New York, but would soon have a much bloodier reputation when it became the hunting ground for on of New York’s most heinous serial killers beginning in 1973. At the time, it was common for people to live in hotels, especially if they had no where else to go and were low on money, creating a low-consequence victim pool for a killer.

Plaza Hotel - WikipediaThe Park Plaza Hotel, in the early 1900s.

Theresa Jordan, 39, was found strangled to death in her room on April, 10, 1973. Two months later, Kate Lewisohn, 65, was found strangled and bludgeoned. Like Theresa Jordan, she’d also been raped. The next victim was Mable Hartmeyer, discovered on April 24, 1974. Just days later Yeria Vishnefsky, 79, was found tied up with a stocking, a butcher knife protruding from her back. On June 8, Winifred Miller, 47, was killed. Eleven days after, Blanche Vincent, 71, was found suffocated to death. On August 30, Eleanor Platt, 64, was found suffocated to death.

The police were not on top of the killings and delayed the investigation for as long as they could until there was an obvious pattern following these murders. However, they did create their own profile of this killer, acknowledging that it was most likely a male as the killings followed a masculine pattern, young enough to over power his victims, and worked within the hotel having access to several rooms and supplies.

On September 17, Pauline Spanierman, 59, was strangled to death in a building one block over from the hotel. At first, this particular was not linked to the others, as they had occurred within the hotel, but they noticed that Spanierman’s television was stolen. Based off of the profile created for the other killings, the police took a shot and searched every room in the hotel, until they came across a 26 year old man named Calvin Jackson, who was renting a room temporarily in the hotel, but worked as a janitor in the hotel.

Keller On The Loose: Serial Killers: Calvin Jackson

In the New York Times article published after his arrest it stated, “Mr. Jackson, who the police said described himself as an unemployed laborer, shared room in the hotel with a woman during the 18‐month period of the murders, from April 10, 1973, to last Sept. 12.” Information on the woman Jackson shared the room with is very difficult to find.

Calvin Jackson confessed quickly and was tried for the string of homicides. Evidently, after killing his victims Jackson enjoyed raping their corpse and sitting down to a meal before taking advantage of the situation and stealing some valuables. He was sentenced to eighteen consecutive life terms. He was a small-time thief who sold his loot to buy narcotics, Jackson might have been ignored in New York City, ranked with thousands like himself and hastily forgotten, if his petty crimes had not accelerated into rape and brutal murder.

Calvin testified that his crimes were all committed to support his habit, leading prosecutors to inquire why it was necessary for his victims to be killed, their corpses violated. “Well,” he told the court, “I guess I kind of broke wild there, you know?”

The victims of these brutal murders include: Theresa Jordan, 39 / Kate Lewisohn, 65/ Mable Hartmeyer, 60/ Yeria Vishnefsky, 79/ Winifred Miller, 47/ Blanche Vincent, 71/ Martha Carpenter, 69/ Eleanor Platt, 64/ Pauline Spanierman, 59.

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