
From Off-Campus Locations

The TSL is located on Penn State’s Altoona Ivyside Campus (Google Map). The Ivyside Campus central address is 3000 Ivyside Park Altoona, PA 16601. The campus is located approx. 45 miles Southwest of the University Park Campus, which is centrally located from many major cities/regions, including Pittsburgh (138 miles, 2.5-3 hour drive), Washington D.C. (188 miles, 4-5 hour drive), Northern New Jersey (188 miles, 4-5 hour drive), Philadelphia (195 miles, 4-4.5 hour drive), and the Western Pennsylvania and Ohio (4.5-5 hour drive from the Ohio/Pennsylvania border).

From On-Campus Locations

Maps of the Penn State’s University Park Campus can be found here. TSL is located on the northwest side of the Ivyside campus. Temporary parking is available at the facility.